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{ <br /> Date: March 119 1999 <br /> Fee: $60. 00 <br /> RMl . . . . . . $ 60.00 <br /> Other . . . . $100.00 <br /> CITY OF ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE <br /> Petition for Variance <br /> Applicant: David and Paulletta Sperry Phone: (651) 636-4269 <br /> Address: 121 - 20th Ave. S .W. New Brighton, MN 55112 <br /> Status of Applicant (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, etc.): Buyer <br /> Legal Description of property proposed for variance: E x W 16 3.0 7 f t • S 15 f t o f L o t 4 B 1 k 5 <br /> Street Address: 4004 Fordham Dr iv Ex W 163 . 07. ft ; N 45ft of Lot 5 <br /> Presently Zoned: R=1 <br /> Minnesota Statutes and City Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied <br /> for approval of this request. Please respond to these conditions using additional sheets if <br /> necessary. <br /> 1. Because of the particular physical surroundings, shape, or topographical conditions of <br /> the parcel or lot, the proposed variance would relieve an undue hardship, as <br /> distinguished from a mere inconvenience, should the applicable ordinance be strictly <br /> enforced. <br /> The current Zoning Code does not permit a single family home to <br /> be built on this 60 foot lot unless a variance be granted, in <br /> which case the lot can be put to its best and greatest use . <br /> 2. The purpose of the proposed variance is not based exclusively upon a desire to increase <br /> the value or income potential of the parcel of land, but would correct extraordinary <br /> circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the <br /> vicinity or zoning district. -Jok <br /> Granting the variance would correct the extraordinary circ- _ _ <br /> stance that the lot has no adjoining land that can be adde- -. <br /> it to meet current Code requirements, meaning that without--. <br /> variance the new owner is unable to use it for building a h <br /> 3. The alleged difficulty or hardship is caused by the City_Ordinance and has not been "�.-__ <br /> created by any persons presently having an interest in the parcel of land. =-- <br /> Prior to the passage of the current Zoning Code , many homes -in <br /> St. Anthony Village were built:,on lots less than 15 feet in <br /> width and 9000 in square feet, ` d since pas ge of current Codej <br /> variances have been g,rante <br /> for lots in the viciniy - <br /> smaller than current Ski ture of pplicant <br /> Code specifications . <br /> Note : We are petitioning only for variances on lot width and square feet . <br /> Code regulations .regarding setbacks and the 35% proportion of lot <br /> allowed for our home and its driveway, walkways and decks will be honored <br />