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PL PACKETS 10191999
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PL PACKETS 10191999
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w <br /> Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> September 21, 1999 <br /> Page 2 <br /> I Ms. Moore-Sykes stated that Staff discovered, in reviewing the project plans, that the proposed <br /> 2 deck extends approximately 3 feet into the north sideyard and.thus a sideyard setback would be <br /> 3 required as well. Attempts to contact the Doolans to relay this additional information were <br /> 4 unsuccessful; however, an option would be for the Doolans to redraw the plans or to address the <br /> 5 issue at the October Planning Commission meeting. <br /> 6 Chair Bergstrom introduced Mr. and Mrs. Doolan and invited them to address the Commission. <br /> 7 Mrs. Doolan stated that they have built substantial gardens in their backyard and would like to <br /> 8 build the deck and patio as a way to further enjoy the beauty of the gardens. Mr. Doolan pre- <br /> 9 sented a drawing to the Commission depicting the current plans for the deck and patio. Mrs. <br /> 10 Doolan added that they had installed additional drains for runoff that corrected any potential <br /> 11 flooding problems. <br /> 12 Bergstrom commented on the Staff's discovery on the need for a setback and asked Mr. and Mrs. <br /> 13 Doolan if that presented an obstacle for them. Mr. and Mrs. Doolan felt that the plans could be <br /> 14 modified to alleviate that problem. <br /> 15 Bergstrom offered some history on the City's ordinance which regulates impervious surfaces. He <br /> 16 stated that the City is sensitive to granting variances that would increase impervious surfaces in <br /> 17 light of the flooding problems the City has experienced. Bergstrom suggested the possibility of <br /> 18 the Doolans constructing simply a deck, as opposed to an impervious surface patio. Ms. Moore- <br /> 19 Sykes stated that it was her understanding that the City's Building Inspector would consider <br /> 20 decking an impervious surface due to the plastic and other methods used to alleviate weed <br /> 21 growth underneath a deck. <br /> 22 Hanson asked if the proposed pond shown in the plans would require a setback. Mr. Doolan <br /> 23 stated the pond is not an issue at this point and is only a consideration for the future. <br /> 24 Chair Bergstrom thanked Mr. and Mrs. Doolan for addressing the Commission. <br /> 25 Janette Jake, 3519 Harding, asked about the City's requirements for a setback. Ms. Moore-Sykes <br /> 26 responded that the City required a five-foot setback between the property line and the structure, <br /> 27 and a 15-foot sideyard is required. <br /> 28 Chair Bergstrom closed the public hearing at 7:16 p.m. <br /> 29 Bergstrom stated that, although he would not begrudge individuals from wishing to construct a <br /> 30 deck or patio, in light of the City's current flooding problems, it was difficult to support impervi- <br /> 31 ous surfaces beyond the City's ordinance. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Tillman expressed concern about granting any variances for additional impervious surfaces,but <br /> 34 stated that she would appreciate providing an opportunity for the Doolans to construct decking. <br /> 35 She suggested the possibility of reviewing the runoff from the property in an effort to minimize <br /> 36 the effect of installing an additional impervious surface. <br />
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