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PL PACKETS 10191999
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PL PACKETS 10191999
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v -,k <br /> Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> September 21, 1999 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 Mr. Hartman added that there are three projects that are to be completed in the year 2000 as gen- <br /> 2, eral maintenance and upgrade of the City's transportation infrastructure. These include: <br /> 3 (1) Concrete rehabilitation of 33rd Avenue from Stinson Boulevard to Silver Lake Road. This <br /> 4 project may also include some sanitary and storm sewer improvements and will be completed as <br /> 5 has been done in the past with stamped concrete crosswalks. These types of crosswalks will be <br /> 6 implemented into additional projects. <br /> 7 (2) Reconstruction of the Silver Lake Road bridge north of 37`h Avenue. The plan is to replace <br /> 8 the water main from 37`h to Silver Lane to the west side, and incorporate sidewalks on the east <br /> 9 and replace the sidewalk on the west. <br /> 10 (3) Construction of a new traffic signal at the intersection of 37`h Avenue and Highcrest Road. <br /> 11 Calls from concerned residents prompted the idea for this project. The traffic signal will be <br /> 12 beneficial for children crossing the street. <br /> 13 Mr. Hartman stated he has been working with a firm on the design for a new public works <br /> 14 facility. He will be presenting the plans at the City Council work session on October 5, 1999. <br /> 15 Horst asked Mr. Hartman to clarify existence of storm water basins. Horst said that it appeared <br /> 16 that, even though homes were removed on St. Anthony Boulevard, there is simply an overflow <br /> 17 area. Mr. Hartman responded that the overflow swale directs water overland across St. Anthony <br /> 18 Boulevard and travels to a storm sewer. Future ponds will be on the corner of Paul and Wilson. <br /> 19 Horst asked Mr. Hartman about the status of the reconstruction of St. Anthony Village Shopping <br /> 20 Center. Mr. Hartman responded that he had not been involved in those discussions. <br /> 21 Bergstrom questioned Mr. Hartman about the residents' objections to sidewalks along 29`h <br /> 22 Avenue and the implementation of sidewalks along 33`d Avenue. Mr. Hartman responded that <br /> 23 there were not any known objections to the sidewalks along 33`d Avenue, as there were for 29' <br /> 24 Avenue. He further stated that he believed the residents along 291h Avenue objected to <br /> 25 sidewalks because they believed that their yards would be shortened. <br /> 26 Hanson said he was aware that Mr. Hartman had submitted the proposed public works budget to <br /> 27 the Council, but he wished to know what projects were on Mr. Hartman's short list for:the <br /> 28 coming year. Mr. Hartman responded that the Public Works Department has many projects, but <br /> 29 that projects for the City's parks would be a primary focus. <br /> 30 Bergstrom asked about the location for the new Public Works Facility. Mr. Hartman responded <br /> 31 that he believed the building would be at the same location. <br /> 32 Bergstrom asked Mr. Hartman if additional landscaping could be planted along 37' Avenue. Mr. <br /> 33 Hartman stated that part of that area is a County road, but he would investigate working with the <br /> 34 County on planting more trees for enhancement along 37`h Avenue. <br />
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