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�\ I <br /> Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> September 21, 1999 <br /> Page 4 <br /> I Motion'by Commissioner Horst, second by Commissioner Hatch, to deny the lot coverage <br /> 2 variance requested by Mr. and Mrs. Doolan due to the fact that it is an existing situation that <br /> 3 could potentially worsen the City's flooding situation and a hardship has not been proven. <br /> 4 Voting on the Motion: Bergstrom, Hanson, Melsha, Hatch and Stille voted aye. Tillman voted naye. <br /> 5 The motion carried. <br /> 6 Bergstrom stated that this issue would be before the City Council at the September 28, 1999 <br /> 7 meeting and he encouraged Mr. and Mrs. Doolan to attend the meeting. Bergstrom reminded the <br /> 8 Doolans that Commissioner Melsha would be representing the Commission at the City Council <br /> 9 meeting. <br /> 10 VII. OTHER BUSINESS. <br /> 11 A. Report from Public Works Director—September. <br /> 12 Chair Bergstrom invited Jay Hartman, Public Works Director, to address the Commission. <br /> 13 Mr. Hartman stated he would give a brief overview of existing and upcoming projects. Water <br /> 14 Tower Park has been 95%completed; with the exception of minor things such as benches and <br /> 15 tables. Mr. Hartman wished to commend the Parks Commission for their excellent work in com- <br /> 16 pleting Water Tower Park. It is one of the first multi-age parks in the City and has received rave <br /> 17 reviews. Another project is Silver Point Park at the south end of the City. This park is 99% <br /> 18 completed and the grand opening will probably be in the spring of 2000. <br /> 19 Bergstrom wished to comment that he was impressed with the ability by Staff and the Parks <br /> 20 Commission to achieve the success of Water Tower Park. Ms. Moore-Sykes responded that the <br /> 21 Park may be submitted to a competition that the League of Minnesota Cities sponsors. <br /> 22 Mr. Hartman continued his report by stating that homes have been purchased at 2713 and 2716 <br /> 23 St. Anthony Boulevard for overland swales and retention ponds. Both properties are about 90% <br /> 24 completed, with bushes and other shrubbery yet to be planted.. <br /> 25 There have been some improvements in the bleachers of Central Park in the north end. This <br /> 26 improvement will alleviate the impact the runoff was having on residents. Seeding has not taken <br /> 27 hold in all areas of improvements, but it will be redone if necessary. <br /> 28 Mr. Hartman distributed a memo from Todd Hubmer, WSB,Associates, that depicted additional <br /> 29 projects that are anticipated to be completed in the year 2000. Projects to be undertaken in an <br /> 30 effort to provide 100-year flood protection to all St. Anthony Village residents are as follows: <br /> 31 (1) Remove existing homes and construct storm water storage basins at.2713, 2700, and 2704 <br /> 32 Pahl Avenue; (2)Reconstruct 29`h Avenue from Stinson Boulevard to County Road 88. This <br /> 33 project will include the complete reconstruction of the street, storm sewer system, watermain, <br /> 34 and sanitary sewer system; and (3) Construction of a storm water storage basin east of Harding <br /> 35 Street and north of 30`h Avenue NE. <br />