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PL PACKET 04162002
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PL PACKET 04162002
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12/30/2015 7:41:14 PM
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12/30/2015 7:41:10 PM
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PL PACKET 04162002
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APACHE ANIMAL MEDICINE, P.A. <br /> 44FI 2501 - 37th Avenue N.E. <br /> Minneapolis, MN 55421 <br /> Telephone (612) 781-2734 <br /> Mpg <br /> As the owner of Apache Animal Hospital, I would like to request a variance in the city <br /> code to allow us to have two monument signs associated with our building. I believe we <br /> meet the specified conditions as outlined below. <br /> 1. Relieve an undue hardship <br /> -- Apache Animal Hospital is 160 feet long and we have approximately 500 feet <br /> of frontage on 37`x' Avenue. Our two parking lots are 225 feet apart. In order <br /> for our clients to know which lot to park in, we would like two signs to clearly <br /> mark each end of the building. <br /> -- While planning the expansion of our building, we encountered difficulty with the <br /> layout due to the railroad along the north side and the new setback requirements. <br /> Due to these factors, we needed to lay the clinic out with two separate entrances <br /> and parking lots. One entrance would be for hospital patients and the other for <br /> patients needing grooming or boarding. Without the separate entrances and parking <br /> lots, we would not have adequate parking for clients and staff according to city <br /> requirements. <br /> -- The two monument signs are necessary to alleviate confusion for our clients. <br /> For 27 years, our hospital entrance has been on the west side of the building. <br /> The new entrance for the hospital will be on the east side, and the current entrance <br /> will become the entrance for grooming and boarding. <br /> -- A large percentage of our clientele are senior citizens and we don't want them to <br /> accidentally go to the wrong entrance, then have to get in their car and pull onto <br /> 37`h avenue to get to the other lot. Two signs that can be easily seen from the street <br /> would alleviate this problem. <br /> 2. Correct extraordinary circumstances <br /> -- As a hospital that also provides grooming and boarding, we don't want healthy <br /> animals that are coming for boarding and grooming to be exposed to potentially <br /> ill animals waiting to be seen at the hospital. That is another reason why we <br /> designed the building with two entrances. We would need to have separate sign to <br /> help inform clients which entrance they needed based on the service they required. <br />
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