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3. Caused by the City Ordinance <br /> -- The ordinance allowing only one sign per building will cause a lot of confusion for <br /> our clientele. We have approximately 13, 000 clients who would probably <br /> automatically.go to our`old" entrance without a sign that clearly labeled the <br /> difference. <br /> -- We are also concerned for client safety. If a client pulled into the wrong parking <br /> lot, realized their error, and then pulled back onto 37`h Avenue to drive 225 feet <br /> to the next lot, they could very easily be rearended by traffic as 37`' Avenue is a <br /> very busy street. <br /> In closing, I believe we meet the criteria for a variance based on the fact that we were <br /> limited on our building design by preexisting setbacks and the railroad, forcing us to <br /> create to entrances; we need to maintain separation between healthy pets and potentially <br /> ill pets with two entrances; our clients need to be able to clearly tell where they need to <br /> enter the building; and to help eliminate safety concerns regarding traffic on 37`h Avenue. <br /> Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. <br /> Terrence E. Rapacz, VM <br />