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PL PACKET 10192004
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PL PACKET 10192004
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes "Draft" <br /> September 21, 2004 <br /> Page 8 <br /> 1 Tony Jordan stated that he has owned the property for approximately ten years. He stated that he <br /> 2 has always thought it would be nice to have a natural prairie next to the adjacent park. He stated <br /> 3 that over the years they have saved money and made it happen last year. He stated that he was <br /> 4 not aware of an ordinance regarding this type of planting noting that he recently received <br /> 5 notification that he is not in compliance with City Ordinance. He stated that he also found out <br /> 6 that he could not get a variance to the ordinance noting that it has to be amended. He stated that <br /> 7 he would like to be the catalyst to make that happen. He indicated that within the City there are <br /> 8 smaller projects similar to his that would also be included in this process. He stated that their <br /> 9 intent is to have a natural prairie. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Chair Stromgren asked Mr. Jordan to clarify his understanding of a natural prairie. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Mr. Jordan explained that it would include plants and grasses noting that there would be a list of <br /> 14 noxious plants that would not be included and if observed in the yard,would be removed. He <br /> 15 stated that a representative from Prairie Restorations,who did the actual installation, is with him <br /> 16 tonight to answer any questions the Commission might have regarding the plantings. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Ron Bowen, Prairie Restorations, stated that his company has been in business for thirty years. <br /> 19 He stated that he has become more involved in City ordinance issues noting that some Cities <br /> 20 have taken a more aggressive approach noting that what Mr. Jordan has a small space in the <br /> 21 backyard that is a perennial garden with native plants. He noted that the weed ordinances that are <br /> 22 coming along are allowing for native plants and encouraging native plants. He stated that this <br /> 23 saves water and infrastructure for the City in addition to providing a haven for native songbirds <br /> 24 in the area. He stated that it is an individual issue and acknowledged the City Ordinances and <br /> 25 their purposes. He stated that they do not have the same issues that were a concern at the time <br /> 26 that the ordinances were developed. He reviewed the benefits of the native landscaping with the <br /> 27 Commission. He offered to work with the City to develop new language for the ordinance that <br /> 28 would incorporate native landscaping standards for the ordinance. He stated that he does not <br /> 29 think native landscaping is going away noting that it is not a trend. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Commissioner Jensen asked for clarification of the area. Mr. Jordan stated that currently it <br /> 32 would remain in its' present location in the backyard. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 Commissioner Jensen clarified that what he is asking is if they are proposing that the ordinance <br /> 35 be changed so that individuals could convert their entire property or just a portion of the <br /> 36 property. Mr. Bowen stated that this is a very individual thing. He stated that the property <br /> 37 should start with a general balance and reviewed with the Commission. He stated that for some <br /> 38 it could be a portion turf grass and a portion non-turf grass noting that the City could review and <br /> 39 identify a maximum split to include in the verbiage of the ordinance. He stated that the <br /> 40 landscaping is good for the land noting that it is a personal judgment and to a certain extent a <br /> 41 property right issue. He noted that the six-inch ordinance is so vague and recommended <br /> 42 considering a change. <br /> 43 <br />
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