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PL PACKET 10192004
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes "Draft" <br /> September 21, 2004 <br /> Page 9 <br /> 1 Commissioner Young asked Mr. Bowen to address public education on prairie landscaping. She <br /> 2 stated that the City should be aware of this issue. She asked how she could tell a weed from an <br /> 3 acceptable plant and asked if these are the type of plantings that would be seen in a ditch. <br /> 4 <br /> 5 Mr. Bowen explained that there are issues with site.lines and acknowledged the safety issues <br /> 6 with respect to height. He stated that there is a list of state noxious plants that cannot be included <br /> 7 in plantings. He stated that the lists are available for review from both the County and State. He <br /> 8 stated that determining what is and is not right is reviewed at a subjective level and provided the <br /> 9 Commission with several examples for comparison. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Mr. Jordan asked how he would control his plantings from getting out of place and is that an <br /> 12 issue with the neighbors. Mr. Bowen stated that it is not an issue noting that their plants could <br /> 13 come into his prairie and his into their turf. He noted that prairie plantings couldn't survive in <br /> 14 turn noting that turf could invade the prairie plantings and becomes a weed. He stated that he <br /> 15 reviewed Mr. Jordan's area noting that it actually is not a very good site for prairie plantings. He <br /> 16 reviewed the location with the Commission noting that it is a shady,woodland site. He stated it <br /> 17 had a great bloom of wild flowers through the summer noting that it is a mix of woods and <br /> 18 prairie,which is similar to what the area of St. Anthony was prior to settlement. He stated that <br /> 19 they try to match the native materials to the site noting that if it is a good match they prosper and <br /> 20 do save a lot of water. He reviewed maintenance with the Commission stating that controlled <br /> 21 burns are being done all the time now in municipalities and explained that they are done safely <br /> 22 and in compliance with all permits. He stated that this has been a thirty-year evolution adding <br /> 23 that the best example for education is if the City included a garden planting within the parks. He <br /> 24 stated that it is an important alliance for the City to evaluate and determine the good points. He <br /> 25 stated that the current weed ordinance does discourage native plantings adding that in his opinion <br /> 26 it is to the disadvantage for the City. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 Commissioner Jensen stated that he sees this meeting as one of the first steps towards achieving a <br /> 29 potential change. He noted that the Commission alone could not make this big of a zoning <br /> 30 ordinance change adding that a referendum with the City is required that would include all <br /> 31 affected parties. He stated that many could see this as a potential to allow someone to have a <br /> 32 weed patch versus a prairie planting. He stated that this process could take time. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 Mr. Jordan expressed his appreciation for Mr. Bowen's offer to be involved in the process. He <br /> 35 stated that Mr. Bowen has also worked with other municipalities with respect to ordinance <br /> 36 changes. He stated that he would be comfortable, as a property owner in St. Anthony,having the <br /> 37 Commission make a proposed ordinance change rather than putting it out to everyone in the City. <br /> 38 He stated that he trusts his elected representatives. Chair Stromgren clarified that this <br /> 39 Commission is appointed not elected. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Commissioner Tillman noted that her neighbor has a very extensive garden in the backyard <br /> 42 noting that when they talk about the split she is not clear how they would define the split. Mr. <br /> 43 Bowen agreed noting that this is a problem with the vagueness of the ordinance. He stated that <br /> 44 technically it is easy to determine what is a weed and what is not with a great degree of accuracy <br /> 45 and reviewed with the Commission. <br />
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