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CC PACKET 11041998
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CC PACKET 11041998
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CC PACKET 11041998
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z -7 <br /> . resultant runoff rates of less than 0.5 ft./sec. across the disturbed area for the one <br /> year storm. Diverted runoff shall be conveyed in a manner that will not erode the <br /> conveyance and receiving channels. <br /> (b) All activities on the site shall be conducted in a logical sequence to minimize the <br /> area of bare soil exposed at any one time. <br /> (c) Runoff from the entire disturbed area on the site shall be controlled by meeting <br /> either subsections 1 and 2 or 1 and 3. <br /> (1) All disturbed ground left inactive for fourteen 14 or more days shall be <br /> stabilized by seeding or sodding (only available prior to September 15) or <br /> by mulching or covering or other equivalent control measure. <br /> (2) For sites with more than ten 10 acres disturbed at one time, or if a channel <br /> originates in the disturbed area, one or more temporary or permanent <br /> sedimentation basins shall be constructed. Each sedimentation basin shall <br /> have a surface area of at least one-pereerA 1%of the area draining to the <br /> basin and at least three feet of depth and constructed in accordance with <br /> accepted design specifications. Sediment shall be removed to maintain a <br /> depth of three feet. The basin discharge rate shall also be sufficiently low <br /> as to not cause erosion along the discharge channel or the receiving water. <br /> 3 For sites with less than ten 10 acres disturbed at one time silt fences, <br /> straw bales, or equivalent control measure shall be placed along all side <br /> slope and downslope sides of the site. If a channel or area of concentrated <br /> runoff passes through the site, silt fences shall be placed along the channel <br /> edges to reduce sediment reaching the channel. The use of silt fences, <br /> straw bales, or equivalent control measure must include a maintenance and <br /> inspection schedule. <br /> (d) Any soil or dirt storage piles containing more than ten 10 cubic yards of material <br /> should not be located with a downslope drainage length of less than 25 feet from <br /> the toe of the pole to a roadway drainage channel. If remaining for more than <br /> seven days,they shall be stabilized by mulching,vegetative cover, tarps or other <br /> means. Erosion from piles which will be in existence for less than seven days <br /> shall be controlled by placing straw bales or silt fence barriers around the pile. <br /> In-street utility repair or construction soil or dirt storage piles located closer than <br /> 25 feet of a roadway or drainage channel must be covered with tarps or suitable <br /> alternative control, if exposed for more than seven days,and the storm drain inlets <br /> must be protected with straw bale or other appropriate filtering barriers. <br /> Subd. 7. Storm water management criteria for permanent facilities. <br /> • -10- <br />
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