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. (a) An applicant shall install or construct, on or for the proposed land disturbing or <br /> development activity, all storm water management facilities necessary to manage <br /> increased runoff so that the two year,ten 10 year, and 100 year storm peak <br /> discharge rates existing before the proposed development shall not be increased <br /> and accelerated channel erosion will not occur as a result of the proposed land <br /> disturbing or development activity. An applicant may also make an in-kind or <br /> monetary contribution to the development and maintenance of community storm <br /> water management facilities designed to serve multiple land disturbing and <br /> development activities undertaken by one or more persons, including the <br /> applicant. <br /> (b) The applicant shall give consideration to reducing the need for storm water <br /> management facilities by incorporating the use of natural topography and land <br /> cover such as wetlands,ponds, natural swales and depressions as they exist before <br /> development to the degree that they can accommodate the additional flow of water <br /> without compromising the integrity or quality of the wetland or pond, <br /> (c) The following storm water management practices shall be investigated in <br /> developing a sterin water inanagemez plan in the following descending order of <br /> preference: <br /> (1) Natural infiltration of precipitation on-site; <br /> (2) Flow attenuation by use of open vegetated swales and natural depressing; <br /> g; <br /> (3) Storm water retention facilities; and <br /> (4) Storm water detention facilities. <br /> (d) A combination of successive practices may be used to achieve the applicable <br /> minimum control requirements specified in subsection a)above a of this <br /> subdivision. Justification shall be provided by the applicant for the method <br /> selected. <br /> Subd. 8. Design standards. Storm water detention facilities constructed in the City vfSt: <br /> Andianp shall be designed according to the most current technology as reflected in the <br /> MPCA publication "Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas", and shall contain, at a <br /> minimum, the following design factors: <br /> (a) A permanent pond surface area equal to two pereent 2°o of the impervious area <br /> draining to the pond or one pereent 1%o of the entire area draining to the pond, <br /> whichever amount is greater; <br /> -11- <br />