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RF.SOWTION 65,021 <br /> R ";OLUTI! N UI'A6LI`"fil NG AN AD!".-ti's S i'.1'i;'-.TI VF CODE FG': T!�E V1 LL/'.^:_ CF <br /> ST. ANTHCNY, MINNESOTA AND ADUPTI N'G C!9AP TER I OF SAID CODE <br /> The Village Council o+ the of St. Anthony, Minn: s:.•ia hereby <br /> o i:abl i sties an administrative code does resolve: <br /> CHAPTCR I <br /> RULES FOR THE ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL <br /> Rnqular Meetiras - Regular meetings of the Village Council shall <br /> be held on the 2nd &4th Tuesday of each calendar month at 8:00 P.M. Any <br /> requi nr meeting falling upon a holiday shall be held on the next fol lcv!i ng <br /> business day at the same time and place. By vote of its members, the Council <br /> may cancel any regular meeting providing at least one regular meeting is <br /> hold in each month. All business set for consideration at a meeting which i - <br /> cancelled shall be deemed adjourned to the next succeeding regular meeting. <br /> All meetinos including special and adjourned meetings shall be held in the <br /> Village providing however, based upon published notice in the offir.ial <br /> newspaper five (5) days in advance of the meeting including the date of <br /> publication, it may be held elsewhere. <br /> Sect:i gn 2 neci-nl Meetings - Special meetings of the Council may be cr.; I ed <br /> by she Mayor or by ,:,ray two mKmbers of the Council by writing filed with the <br /> Clerk. At least one day before the meeting, the Clerk shall notify each <br /> member of t_!,e tirre, pInce and purpose of tie meeting by causing written <br /> notice thereof to be delivered to him personally if he can be found or if <br /> • he cannot be found, by leaving a copy at the home of the member with some <br /> pers^;i of suitable age and discretion. Special meetings may be held wit:hotirt <br /> prior written notice when all Council members are present at the meeting <br /> unless a member appears for the special purpose of objecting to the holding <br /> of S:-;ch me ti nq, or when -Il the C('u ,(^i l members consent thereto in writing. <br /> Such consent shall be filed with the Clerk prior to the beginning of the <br /> mee-ing. Any special meeting attended by the Council members shall be a <br /> valid meeting for the transaction of only that business for which the special <br /> meeting shall be caned. <br /> Section 3. Preparation of Agcnda - An agenda of business for each regular <br /> council meeting shall be prepared and filed in the office of the Village <br /> Clerk not later than 5:00 PM Friday, next preceding the meeting. T!-e <br /> aoenca shall `rr� prepared in accordance with the order of business and copies <br /> th^reof shall be delivered to each council memberr and to the Village Manager <br /> and the Village Attorney. <br /> Agenda - Petitions, all reports, communications, ordinances, <br /> resolutionls, contract documents, or other matters to be submitted to the <br /> C,75a^l'i :hivil by '1- l"."prod to the Vill:'ige P�anarer- who shall irrTediatcly <br /> :I <br /> arrao9e r i i st, of suer, �,axtc, s•acord i ng to t'he order of business, and <br /> furnish a ch member of the Council, the Village Manager and the Vill?ge <br /> At Lorney with a cop-, of same prior to the Counci i meeting. (Jo matters <br /> shall be presented by Administrative officials except with approval of the <br /> Village M,nrager. Any business brought before the Council , including hearings <br /> • and matters adjourned, or referred to a specified meeting, and not disposed <br /> of by motion or resolution, or postponed by formal action entered in the <br /> minutes to a. definite date, shall he deemed indefinitely tabled and may be <br /> r,cted upon at any subsequent meeting held within the same calendar year. <br /> Section 5. Order of Business - Promptly at the hour set on the day of each <br /> regular meeting, the members of the Council , the Village Clerk, the Village <br /> Attorney and the Vill:cee Manager shall take their regular stations in the <br /> CoL+rci1 Chambers, and ,he business of th2 Ccuncil shall be taken up for con- <br /> sideration <br /> on- <br /> sideration and disposition in t l'ie fol to.::7 ng orders <br /> 1 . Call to order by the ''8yor-. <br /> 2. Roll Call . <br /> 3. Approval of minutes of previous sneeti ng. <br /> • 4. Public Hearings. <br /> 5. Resolutions and Ordi n;�.nces. <br /> 6. Communications, Pcti cic is and Reports. <br /> 7. Miscellaneous BLISi ness. <br /> 8. Old Business. <br /> 9. Verified Claims and <br /> 10. Contract Payments. <br /> 11 . Finil <br /> 12. !?d <br />