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Unless objection is made by motion c,-Pnci 1, : ic. presiding officer rrn+ <br /> ' modify t►;r `orew; ino. order of tr,.:, ; ,ke In rJ:-der to wcoiro6ito citizens present <br /> of, to ewtdi to Vo�_ of the ; ..., i 1 . RuE -11 puji•ic 'N-^arings shall be <br /> held at th tinie spc,cir•ied if. the police c,f Hearing. <br /> Section 6, Quorum_ -A nijority of c,ll :hn members elected to F:he council shaii <br /> constitute a auorwm, at any regular or ;pz�i al rreeti ng of the council. for the <br /> transac:'ion of business. A sinal ler nimbe, ,may ;adjourn the meeting. The <br /> co-.ancil may punish norg-,attendance firsi by reprimand of the presiding officer, <br /> follo;r:d by nfFicial censure by a majori ::y of the council unless a reasonable <br /> xcuse is cv"fe red. <br /> Section 7. The presiding officer.- 1he ;rrsirling officer of the councii shat <br /> be the mayor or in his absence, the president pro-tem. The presiding officer <br /> shr," preserve s tri c. order and decorum at oil regular and special greetings o• <br /> the Council . He shall state, every que_.tion coming before the cour;ci 1, <br /> announce the decision of :.he ccunci 1 or. all subjects, and decide all questions <br /> of order, subjects however, to an appeal from the council, in which event a <br /> majority vote of the council shall govern and conclusively determine such <br /> question or order. He shall vote on all questions, his name being called last. <br /> He shad sign all ordinane ,,s and resolution^ ac+opted by the council during his <br /> presence. In the absence of the mayor and the president pro-tem the clerk <br /> shall cell the meeting to order and shall preside until the council members <br /> present at the meeting shali choose one of their number to act temporarily <br /> as a presiding officer which shnl 1 become the first order of business follow- <br /> ing roil call . Upon the arrival of the mayor or president pro-tem, th <br /> temporary presiding officer shall immediately relinquish the chair upon <br /> con-elusion of the business immediately before the council . <br /> At its organizational meeting the Council shall elect from its members <br /> by a majority of all councilmen a president pro-tem. <br /> Section 8. General Rules of Debate. - The presiding officer may debate from <br /> the chair, subject to such limitations of debate as are by these rules impos- <br /> ed on all members andAhal 1 not be deprived of any of t;ie rights and privileges <br /> of a councilman by reason of hip, acting us the r.,residing officer. <br /> Getting the floe;-: Every member desiring to speak sh-iil addr^ss the presiding <br /> officer and upon recognition by the presiding officer shall confine himself to <br /> the question under debate. <br /> Interruptions: A member, once recognized, sty=11 not be interrupted when <br /> speaking unless it be to call him to order, or as herein otherwise provid^d. <br /> If a member, while speaking, be called to order, he shall cease speaking <br /> until the question of order be determined, and, if in order, he rha1l be <br /> permitted to }proceed. <br /> 8p2ea1 from ruling of chair: Any member may appeal to the council from the <br /> ruling of the presiding officer. If the appeal is seconded, the member may <br /> speak once sciely on the question involved and the presiding officer may <br /> explain his ruling, but no other council member shall participate in the <br /> discussion. The appeal shall be sustained if it is approved by a majority <br /> . of the membei-s present exclusive of the presiding officer. <br /> Motion to reconsider. A motion to reconsider any action taken by the council <br /> may be made only at the meeting at which such action was taken. It may be <br /> made either immediately during the same session or at a recessed or adjourned <br /> session thereof. Such motion must be made by one of the prevailing side but <br /> may be seconded by any member, and may be made at any time and havorecedence <br /> over all other motions or while a member has the floor; it shall be debatable. <br /> Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent any member of the council from <br /> making or remaking the same or any other motion at a subsequent meeting of <br /> the council . <br /> Remarks of councilmen when entered in minutes; A councilman may request <br /> • through the presiding officer, the privilege of having an abstract of his <br /> statement or any subject under consideration by the council , or the reason <br /> of his dissent from any action of the council entered in the minutes thereof. <br /> Unless the council by motion objects thereto, such statement shall be entered <br /> in the minutes. <br />