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vacation pay at time of termination shall be calculated utilizing the hourly rate shown <br /> in Article XII. Accrued, but unused, vacation leave shall be paid to the employees <br /> upon termination of employment, providing at least two weeks written notice is <br /> given. Employees taking vacation in the amounts of one week or more may <br /> receive vacation pay in advance if pay day falls during the vacation period. <br /> ARTICLE XVII SEVERANCE PAY <br /> Employees who are permanently laid off, disabled, or who retire with at least ten <br /> (10) years of consecutive service as a full time fire department employee shall <br /> receive severance pay on the following schedule: <br /> Sick Leave Shifts Accrued No. Shifts of Severance Pay <br /> 30 - 49 3 <br /> 50 - 79 5 <br /> 80 - 99 7 <br /> 100 - 110 11 <br /> 111 - 120 15 (max.) <br /> Such severance pay is to be computed at straight time on the following basis: <br /> ANNUAL SALARY BASE = Severance pay per <br /> 122 shift <br /> ARTICLE XVIII SICK LEAVE <br /> Sick leave shall be granted when necessary for personal illness, injury or legal <br /> quarantine. The City Manager, at his discretion, may require a doctor's certificate <br /> showing the nature and extent of any injury or illness. A permanent employee who <br /> meets the other requirements of this Article, who is receiving Workers <br /> Compensation payments, may be granted sick leave pay for the amount of the <br /> difference between Workers Compensation payments and his salary. Sick leave <br /> with pay shall be accrued by all permanent and probationary employees at the rate <br /> of one (1) day for each calendar month of full time employment or major fraction <br /> thereof. Sick leave may not be used during the initial probationary periods. Sick <br /> leave shall be accumulated to a maximum of one hundred twenty (120) days. <br /> ARTICLE XIX SICK LEAVE BANK <br /> 19.1 After any member of the department accrues sick leave to the <br /> maximum allowed, all sick leave over the maximum will be tabulated and <br /> credited to a sick leave bank list, which will be kept on file in the City offices. <br /> 10 <br />