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-5- <br /> DeWayne Olson, Comstock and Davis, Village engineer, was directed to review <br /> the drainage recommendations of the back property line of the area North of <br /> 35th Avenue between Stinson Boulevard and Roosevelt Street and report to the <br /> Council at the next meeting. <br /> Drs. Carr and Berglund appeared before the Council RE: participation by the <br /> Village in the cost of spraying Silver Lake for weeds. It was estimated the <br /> total cost was approximately $1500.00 every other year with 21 residences on <br /> the St. Anthony side participating. The Village Manager was directed to con- <br /> sider such an item in the 1967 budget and report to the Council at the next <br /> meeting as to possible funds available for 1966. <br /> Mr. Geo. Johnson appeared regarding a proposal, that was denied by the Council, <br /> to rezone a tract adjacent to the Maintenance Department Building from light <br /> industrial to multiple zoning. The Council agreed to hear the request and Mr. <br /> Johnson asked for reconsideration of the zoning change based on the zoning of <br /> nearby property. Mayor pro tem Dougherty explained to Mr. Johnson the reason <br /> for the line being drawn at the point under consideration. After discussion, <br /> the Council advised Mr. Johnson that the decision of the meeting of May 24, <br /> 1966 would not be changed. <br /> Mr . Haik, Village Attorney, advised the Council on the action contemplated <br /> in the St. Anthony V. Pemtom litigation. <br /> Upon motion by Councilman Sorenson seconded by Councilman Bailey it was moved <br /> that the engineer estimate for services project #7417-65-1, May 2-28, 1966 in <br /> the amount of $256.50 be approved. <br /> Motion Carried. <br /> Upon motion by Councilman Sorenson seconded by Mayor pro tem Dougherty, it <br /> was moved that the engineers estimate for services as Village engineer May 2-28, <br /> 1966 in the amount of $10.24 be approved. <br /> Motion Carried. <br /> Upon motion by Councilman Bailey seconded by Councilman Sorenson it was moved <br /> that the engineers estimate for engineering services Well #5 chemical equip- <br /> ment in the amount of $4.50 be approved. <br /> Motion Carried. <br /> Upon motion by Councilman Bailey seconded by Councilman Sorenson it was moved <br /> that the architects estimate for services in the design of the Off Sale Store <br /> #1 Addition be approved in the amount of $1258.00. <br /> Motion Carried. <br /> Upon motion by Councilman Sorenson seconded by Mayor Pro tem Dougherty it was <br /> moved that the Heating license for Conditioned Air Equipment Co. be approved. <br /> Motion Carried. <br />