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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> January 9, 2001 <br /> Page 7 <br /> 1 Mornson stated that at the recommendation of the City Attorney, Paragraph 2 relating to the <br /> 2 DNR costs should be deleted from the Resolution. <br /> 3 Hubmer stated the third resolution calls for a hearing on the proposed assessment. He stated the <br /> 4 hearing would be on the assessment dollar amounts that would be assessed to each property. He <br /> 5 explained that notice with the amounts would be mailed to each property owner. Hubmer <br /> 6 presented an explanation of what will be included in that mailed notice and stated that <br /> 7 information will also be presented to the City Council. <br /> 8 Sparks asked if the language can be remedied to clarify that the pond excavation will not be <br /> 9 assessed. <br /> 10 Attorney Gilligan stated the pond is not being assessed so it is not part of the Chapter 429 <br /> 11 process but it is part of the project. He stated, however, that this is a good point and suggested <br /> 12 the language be revised to add a new section as follows: <br /> 13 "This project consists of street reconstruction and replacement of watermain and storm <br /> 14 sewer lines to be done in conjunction with Pond Excavation in rear yard areas north of <br /> 30th Avenue, west of Silver Lake Road; and east of Harding Street (referred to as <br /> 01 Harding Street Pond);" <br /> 17 Motion by Hodson, seconded by to adopt Resolution 01-016, re: Call hearing on 2001 Street and <br /> 18 Utility Improvements as amended above. <br /> 19 Hubmer recommended the Council accept comments on the pond excavation since it is part of <br /> 20 one contract. <br /> 21 Mayor Cavanaugh asked if there should be two resolutions, one for just the pond. Mornson <br /> 22 stated a neighborhood meeting will be held prior to February 13th when that issue and the <br /> 23 landscaping plan will be discussed. <br /> 24 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 25 B. Resolution 01-017, re: Declare Cost to be Assessed for 2001 Street and Utility <br /> 26 Improvements (WSB, Inc.) <br /> 27 Motion by Thuesen to adopt Resolution 01-017, re: Declare Cost to be Assessed for 2001 Street <br /> 28 and Utility Improvements removing paragraph #2 related to the DNR costs and adding the above <br /> 29 language as recommended by Attorney Gilligan. <br /> 0 Motion carried unanimously. <br />