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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> January 9, 2001 <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1 the budget is and the DNR funding mechanism is in the 2002 bonding cycle so they will talk <br /> 2 with the DNR to assure that bonding cycle remains intact. <br /> 3 Mayor Cavanaugh asked if this is a third allotment from the DNR. Hubmer stated that would be <br /> 4 the third allotment. Mornson stated they have already received two allotments. Hubmer stated <br /> 5 there is money in hand to complete this project and the 2001 street projects. <br /> 6 Sparks asked how the land acquisition schedule is coming along in relationship to the scheduled <br /> 7 public hearing dates. Hubmer stated the Council will receive an update on the land acquisition <br /> 8 process at the January 23, 2001 meeting. <br /> 9 Mornson stated easements are needed from ten property owners. Two have been received and <br /> 10 three to four are anticipated to be received by January 23, 2001. He stated staff will recommend <br /> 1 1 proceeding with the condemnation process for the other four easements that are needed for this <br /> 12 project. He reviewed the time schedule with a quick take deed process. <br /> 13 Sparks asked if there is an intention to follow up with residents. Mornson stated it has been <br /> 14 turned over to Evergreen Land Services who have contacted the property owners individually to <br /> 0 talk about the easement and value based on the appraisals done. <br /> 16 Hubmer stated there are several residents who have been contacted numerous times and there are <br /> 17 a few people who were contacted only once because they indicated they would obtain their own <br /> 18 appraisals and their private attorney would contact Evergreen Land Services. <br /> 19 Mornson stated the private attorney hired in two cases is well aware that in asking for a second <br /> 20 appraisal it will force the City to start the condemnation process. <br /> 21 Mayor Cavanaugh commented on the need for Evergreen Land Services to have an excellent <br /> 22 paper trail so there is no confusion about what the next step is. <br /> 23 Sparks asked staff to assure all are clear of what the process is. Hubmer stated he will ask <br /> 24 Evergreen Land Services to call each property owner so they are clear about the next step in the <br /> 25 process. <br /> 26 Hubmer stated he hesitates going beyond February 13, 2001 to award the contract since it will <br /> 27 considerably delay the project and result in costly change orders. <br /> 28 Attorney Gilligan stated a quick take needs 90 days to occur. Mayor Cavanaugh stated if they do <br /> 29 not have all the negotiated easements at the next meeting, the Council will receive background <br /> on how the process will unfold up to February 13, 2001. Attorney Gilligan stated that is correct <br /> 16 and negotiations will continue from the next meeting to February 2001. <br />