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GENERAL INFORMATION <br /> Federal and State occupational health and safety regulations are comprehensive and <br /> frequently difficult to interpret. Therefore, simplified versions of some of these rules are <br /> being developed through our safety program to permit more concise application to the <br /> types of operations undertaken by City employees. <br /> Periodically,additions or changes will be made,with copies distributed to all departments. <br /> The department head or designated supervisor is responsible for updating department <br /> copies. This manual shall be retained by the department head and designated <br /> supervisors, in a place where it will be readily available for reference purposes. <br /> USE <br /> Employees need only be made aware of those items which pertain to some aspect of <br /> their work. (For example, only employees who do welding would need to be familiar with <br /> the sections pertaining to this activity. Conversely, nearly all employees should be made <br /> aware of the general safety rules, as these apply to all -departments.) <br /> FLAGGING <br /> When a rule or revision is issued, it will usually be accompanied by a notation drawing <br /> R to the attention of departments known to engage in work that would be affected. It is <br /> then the responsibility of the department supervisor to ensure that their personnel are <br /> properly informed. A copy of the new information will be distributed to all affected <br /> personnel along with a signature sheet indicating that they have read and understand it. <br /> The signatures are then to be returned to the Safety Coordinator. Of course, a new or <br /> revised rule may affect a department operation in a manner not recognized by the safety <br /> staff, and therefore not specifically brought to the department's attention. For this reason, <br /> it is important that a responsible person in the department examine new information <br /> carefully to determine possible application to their operations. <br /> RESPONSIBILITY <br /> The State of Minnesota requires the City to assume considerable responsibility for <br /> implementation of safety & health regulations. All supervisory personnel are acting in the <br /> capacity of agents of the City and are expected to enforce those rules pertinent to their <br /> areas of operation. Department supervisors should familiarize themselves with OSHA <br /> rules and other requirements to ensure, to the best of their ability, that municipal activities <br /> for which they have responsibility are in compliance. <br /> • CITY OF ST. ANTHONY EMPLOYEE SAFETY MANUAL <br /> (2/93) Page 1 <br />