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Federal Register 1910.134 "A record shall be kept of inspection dates and findings for <br /> respirators maintained for emergency use. The law also requires that persons who may <br /> have occasion to use respirators be trained and familiar with their use. • <br /> *HEARING PROTECTION: Refer to MSC-018-11-76 on "Occupational Noise Exposure." <br /> Whenever there are activities involving machines or equipment that produce sound levels <br /> which can cause hearing loss, proper ear protection such as muffs or plugs shall be <br /> used. This includes, but is not limited to the following: <br /> A. Operating or in close proximity of tree chipper <br /> B. Operating jack hammer <br /> C. Operating chain saw <br /> D. During target practice <br /> E. While operating equipment that exceeds maximum decibel levels <br /> F. In any other area where hazards may exist <br /> *HARD HATS (approved head protection): All employees are required to wear hard hats <br /> on all jobs where there may reasonably be a danger of being struck by falling or moving <br /> objects, and in all designated areas. It is the prerogative of the individual department • <br /> involved to enforce more stringent rules as desired. <br /> Some examples of work sites and situations where the use of approved head protection <br /> is required: <br /> 1. Normally while either below ground level or below work sites. (In most <br /> instances this would apply to trenches, shafts, platforms, scaffolds, <br /> manholes, etc.) <br /> 2. Where equipment might present a hazard by protruding, swinging, <br /> dropping material or other similar activity(backhoe, certain loading <br /> operations, most construction sites). <br /> 3. While tree trimming, heavy brushing, working in and around bucket booms, <br /> demolishing and similar activity. <br /> 4. Where a contractor or other in charge may have designated a site as a <br /> hard hat area. <br /> CITY OF ST. ANTHONY EMPLOYEE SAFETY MANUAL • <br /> (2/93) Page 14 <br />