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IV. ACTIVITIES <br /> • COOPERATING UNIT agrees that awarded grant funds will be used to undertake and carry out within the <br /> terms of this Agreement certain projects involving one or more of the essential activities eligible for funding under <br /> the Act. COUNTY agrees and will assist COOPERATING UNIT in the undertaking of such essential activities <br /> by providing the services specified in this Agreement. The parties mutually agree to comply with all applicable <br /> requirements of the Act and the Regulations and other relevant Federal and/or Minnesota statutes or regulations <br /> in the use of basic grant amounts. Nothing in this Article shall be construed to lessen or abrogate COUNTY's <br /> responsibility to assume all obligations of an applicant under the Act, including the development of the <br /> Consolidated Plan,pursuant to 24 CFR Part 91. <br /> COOPERATING UNIT further specifically agrees as follows: <br /> A. COOPERATING UNIT will in accord with a COUNTY-established schedule prepare and provide <br /> to COUNTY, in a prescribed form, requests for the use of Community Development Block Grant <br /> Funds consistent with this Agreement, program regulations and the Urban Hennepin County <br /> Consolidated Plan. <br /> B. COOPERATING UNIT acknowledges that, pursuant to 24 CFR§570.501 (b), it is subject to the <br /> same requirements applicable to subrecipients,including the requirement for a written Subrecipient <br /> Agreement set forth in 24 CFR §570.503. The Subrecipient Agreement will cover the <br /> implementation requirements for each activity funded pursuant to this Agreement and shall be duly <br /> executed with and in a form prescribed by COUNTY. <br /> C. COOPERATING UNIT acknowledges that it is subject to the same subrecipient requirements stated <br /> • in paragraph B above in instances where an agency other than itself is undertaking an activity <br /> pursuant to this Agreement on behalf of COOPERATING UNIT. In such instances a written Third <br /> Party Agreement shall be duly executed between the agency and COOPERATING UNIT in a form <br /> prescribed by COUNTY. <br /> D. COOPERATING UNIT shall implement all activities funded for each annual program pursuant to <br /> this Agreement within Twenty-Four(24)months of the authorization by HUD to expend the basic <br /> grant amount. <br /> 1. Funds for all activities not implemented within Twenty-Four(24)months shall be transferred <br /> to a separate account for reallocation on a competitive basis. <br /> 2. Implementation period extensions may be granted upon request in cases where the authorized <br /> activity has been initiated and/or subject of a binding contract to proceed. <br /> E. COOPERATING UNIT will take actions necessary to assist in accomplishing the community <br /> development program and housing goals, as contained in the Urban Hennepin County Consolidated <br /> Plan. <br /> F. COOPERATING UNIT shall ensure that all programs and/or activities funded in part or in full by <br /> grant funds received pursuant to this Agreement shall be undertaken affirmatively with regard to fair <br /> housing, employment and business opportunities for minorities and women. It shall, in <br /> implementing all programs and/or activities funded by the basic grant amount comply, with all <br /> applicable Federal and Minnesota Laws, statutes,rules and regulations with regard to civil rights, <br /> affirmative action and equal employment opportunities and Administrative Rule issued by the <br /> • COUNTY. <br /> 3 <br />