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• G. COOPERATING UNIT that does not affirmatively further fair housing within its own jurisdiction <br /> or that impedes action by COUNTY to comply with its fair housing certification shall be prohibited <br /> from receiving CDBG funding for any activities. <br /> H. COOPERATING UNIT shall participate in the citizen participation process as established by <br /> COUNTY in compliance with the requirements of the Housing and Community Development Act <br /> of 1974, as amended. <br /> I. COOPERATING UNIT shall reimburse COUNTY for any expenditure determined by HUD or <br /> COUNTY to be ineligible. <br /> J. COOPERATING UNIT shall prepare, execute, and cause to be filed all documents protecting the <br /> interests of the parties hereto or any other party of interest as may be designated by the COUNTY. <br /> K. COOPERATING UNIT has adopted and is enforcing: <br /> 1. A policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its <br /> jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstrations; and <br /> 2. A policy of enforcing applicable State and local laws against physically barring entrance to <br /> or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such nonviolent civil rights <br /> demonstrations within its jurisdiction. <br /> COUNTY further specifically agrees as follows: <br /> • A. COUNTY shall prepare and submit to HUD and appropriate reviewing agencies,on an annual basis, <br /> all plans,statements and program documents necessary for receipt of a basic grant amount under the <br /> Act. <br /> B. COUNTY shall provide, to the maximum extent feasible, technical assistance and coordinating <br /> services to COOPERATING UNIT in the preparation and submission of a request for funding. <br /> C. COUNTY shall provide ongoing technical assistance to COOPERATING UNIT to aid COUNTY <br /> in fulfilling its responsibility to HUD for accomplishment of the community development program <br /> and housing goals. <br /> D. COUNTY shall,upon official request by COOPERATING UNIT,agree to administer local housing <br /> rehabilitation grant programs funded pursuant to the Agreement, provided that COUNTY shall <br /> receive Twelve percent (12%) of the allocation by COOPERATING UNIT to the activity as <br /> reimbursement for costs associated with the administration of COOPERATING UNIT activity. <br /> E. COUNTY may, at its discretion and upon official request by COOPERATING UNIT, agree to <br /> administer, for a possible fee, other programs and/or activities funded pursuant to this Agreement <br /> on behalf of COOPERATING UNIT. <br /> F. COUNTY may, as necessary for clarification and coordination of program administration,develop <br /> and implement Administrative Rules consistent with the Act, Regulations, HUD administrative <br /> directives, and administrative requirements of COUNTY. <br /> • <br /> 4 <br />