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-2- <br /> Mr. Art Thompson, 2900 37th Avenue N.E. said he didn't want to live across the <br /> street from a restaurant and presented the petition signed by residents of his <br /> block requesting the city officials not to change the zoning to permit the <br /> restaurant. <br /> Other concerned neighbors who spoke included John Sarbuco, Mr. R Airs. Walter <br /> Wojcik., Roger Martin, Edward Cyryt and Grant Helmer who live on Belden Drive; <br /> Duane Duerre and Mr. & Mrs. Paul Iverson, who reside on 37th Avenue as well as <br /> Terry Hoffman of 3616 Coolidge St. N.E. <br /> Their objections included the potential traffic increase on 37th as well as <br /> Belden and Cooliage, where they stated there are many small children who use the <br /> streets extensively; the height of the two proposed buildings; the noise, odors <br /> and late hour business of a restaurant which they did not consider appropriate <br /> to a i:a,idential. neighborhood; the probability of the restaurant eventually <br /> deteriorating to an "eye sore" and the fact that they didn't consider the project <br /> an appropriate transition or buffer between their homes and Apache Shopping Center. <br /> A riujo•_ity said they would not oppose a one story service office develolxnent in <br /> that spot but Mr. Sambuco said he thought only multiple dwellings should be <br /> a.13cn;:'d there. <br /> Ila-. Marks arrived at 8:15 and participated in part of the above discussion. There <br /> was also a discussion between the Board and the residents of how financial <br /> conditions made the use of the land for a park area prohibitve. <br /> . Th chialic Hearing was closed at 8:30 P.M. <br /> Miction by Mr, Bowerman and seconded by Mr. Marks to recommend that the Courcil_ <br /> deny the recuest to rezone the easterly 322 ft. of Apache Ten-ace, B1cck l., Lot <br /> 1, rt industrial to Commercial. <br /> Motion carried unanimous]y. <br /> MT...ui Healy, ^210 American National Bank, St. Paul, again appeared to represent <br /> the Goodyeax Tue & Rubber Company and relayed their decision to rano- e their <br /> existing 3-8 s3. --ft. identification sign on the south side o' their store at <br /> 4020 Silver. ]sake Road in order that they might be allowed to erect a. 5 _,. 1.9 ft. <br /> moni=enta.l Sign on a 3 ft. high standard in front of the otcre where it can be <br /> 'batter seat from Silver Lake Road. <br /> HTaever.9 the attlorn_ey said he had been unable to get the exact width of the new <br /> roadbed Ramsey County is building in front of the building and therefore was un- <br /> able to provide a site plan with the exact location for the sign but; rel: it <br /> wcu'_d. be p""aced where it would not cut down on the vision ax ciwtomers Entering <br /> Silyer Lake Road. He also assured the Board that Goodyear woi:3d r.-r-t raise the <br /> elevation of "he sign above normal grade. Tbcre was a. discussion of wnether a <br /> monumental type sign would actually be needed when the roadbed. was rebuilt and <br /> semaphors placed along Silver Lake Road with &. Ryma:•chic's and Mr. Letourneau <br /> expressing reticence to adding another free standing sign to that area. <br /> • Air. said Goodyear believed the lack of proper identificati-on of their store <br /> was the primary reason the business was not prospering as well as had been <br /> anticipated. <br /> yfotion by Mr. Marks and seconded by Mr. Johnson to table action on the Goodyear <br /> request for a monumental sign until the Board had further data as to the exact <br /> location of the sign including its position in relation to the driveway as well <br />