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• The planner did not consider the City' s new zoning ordinance to re <br /> realistic for the Twin City area, specifically the two commercial <br /> zoning classifications which separate usages into first, a service <br /> office category for which he felt there is little market and is too <br /> restrictive and finally the commercial category which was wide open <br /> and too liberal. He was critical of the PUD classification for <br /> limiting commercial usage to 25% of the site and felt it should have <br /> provided a maximum of both design flexibility and public control. It <br /> was his belief that setting specific set backs is alien to a PUD. <br /> The only specific proposal contained in his plans, Mr. Dale said, was <br /> Mr. Hedlund's desire to convert the existing residence on one of the <br /> lots to a beauty shop. <br /> Finally, Mr. Dale did concede that past proposals for the development <br /> of the land had not been comprehensive enough and had not considered <br /> the overall makeup of the surrounding area. <br /> Mr. Cowan said he was gratified to see the existing structure had been <br /> included in the plan and that more than eight parking spaces were now <br /> planned for that spot but wondered how creative the plan was when the <br /> only specific proposal left that structure just as it was . Mr. Daubney <br /> replied that he felt maintaining the residential character of the <br /> house created more of a "village like" appearance. <br /> • In addressing the problem of a service road for the commercial develop- <br /> ment, Mr. Dale drew on his experience with other projects where ar- <br /> rangements have been made for easements across the parking lots which <br /> he said could include the property owners to the north of Mr. Hedlund' s <br /> lots. He suggested an agreement could be made between the private <br /> owners and the City so that access rights and maintenance of the road- <br /> ways could be provided. Mr. Daubney said he felt the City could avoid <br /> illegal restriction of usages by obtaining from the owners an agreement <br /> for deed or plat restrictions which are valid and enforceable. <br /> Mr. Daubney then criticized the new ordinance saying it was more re- <br /> strictive than the old. He felt there was not enough demand for the <br /> service office usage which is classified under "B-2" and pointed out <br /> the 56 categories which are classified as "C" as well as those which <br /> require a special permit. He further justified the commercial usage <br /> of the Silver Lake portion of the land by the left hand turn which <br /> provides an access to the tract. <br /> Mr. Marks said he was delighted to see the ten homes which had been <br /> provided in one of the plans and was glad to see that for once some <br /> protection had been provided for the residential neighborhood to the <br /> east but was still concerned how the disposal of this property would <br /> affect the manner in which the property to the north of Mr. Hedlund's <br /> land was developed. <br /> • When Mr. Rymarchick asked whether the possibility of using the whole <br /> tract for residences had been explored along with the provision of a <br /> (5) <br />