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• buffer along Silver Lake Road, Mr. Dale said this would not be prac- <br /> tical from a cost point of view and because of the traffic problems <br /> which would result from such a plan. He also felt using cul-de-sacs <br /> would expend 30% of the land for roadways and would not be economical- <br /> ly feasible. <br /> Mr. Johnson expressed the opinion which was shared by the other Board <br /> members that the presentation had been very constructive and congratu- <br /> lated Mr. Hedlund on the comprehensive planning, saying it was the <br /> best that had been offered to date. He said however, the City and the <br /> public would require more specific date on the usages which would be <br /> involved and what restrictions would be included in the final proposal . <br /> He then took issue with the criticism of the new zoning ordinance <br /> telling Mr. Daubney that it had been formulated for St. Anthony ex- <br /> clusively and not to fit the needs of Golden Valley or any other muni- <br /> cipality. He did not see the great disparity between the ordinance <br /> and the zoning map which he said had been legally adopted along with <br /> the ordinance by Council action. He spoke for other Board members <br /> by saying that because the left hand turn had been provided at Mr. <br /> Hedlund's request it in no way justified the commercial usage of his <br /> land. <br /> Mr. Letourneau said he was not convinced that residential development <br /> of Mr. Hedlund's land could not be economically feasible and questioned <br /> the economic success of a commercial development across the road from <br /> • Apache Plaza which is not now fully rented. The attorney replied that <br /> Mr. Hedlund had not been able in ten years to merchandise his holdings <br /> for residential development. <br /> The attorney and planner both agreed that it would be their job to sell <br /> their proposals to the residents in the neighborhood many of whom have <br /> opposed similar propositions. They promised to report back to City <br /> officials the results of meetings with such groups. <br /> Mr. Hedlund then wanted to know whether the Board could express to the <br /> Council their approval of the plans that had been presented, but both <br /> Mr. Daubney and the Board were in agreement that this would be pre- <br /> mature. <br /> Later in the evening the concern was expressed that a commercial develop- <br /> ment in this area might jeopardize the "lifeblood of Apache" . Veri- <br /> fication was given that Apache management is officially notified of <br /> any proposed change in status of neighboring property. <br /> The Board then discussed the various forms of proposed application and <br /> procedural check lists which had been drafted by the City Attorney with <br /> some expressing reservations on the size of some of the forms . <br /> Motion by Mr. Cowan and seconded by Mr. Letourneau to indicate to the <br /> Council that the forms prepared by the City Attorney appear to be ac- <br /> ceptable and to suggest they be referred to City staff for determination <br /> • of their usage. <br /> (6) <br />