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PL MINUTES 05151979
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 05151979
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PL MINUTES 05151979
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additional set backs were needed on all three sides to maximize the <br /> • use of the site to provide thirty 10x20 foot parking spaces . He <br /> pointed out the hardiness of the ground cover planned for the planted <br /> areas and named the types of "major size" trees to be placed on the <br /> lot which are also named and described on the site plan , along with <br /> existing trees to be retained as well . The lighting which is to be <br /> erected as a safety measure for employees who work at night, will be <br /> low level and directed in such a manner as not to be an annoyance <br /> to the residents across the street. Mr. Meyers agreed with Mr. Klick <br /> that arrangements could be made to turn the lights off later in the <br /> evening. <br /> Five Minneapolis residents were present to voice their opposition to <br /> placing the entrance to the lot on Lowry Avenue where they felt <br /> there was already too . much traffic generated by Kentucky Fried <br /> Chicken and the PDQ building, just east of this lot, who also have <br /> driveways off Lowry. They were concerned whether the snow plowed <br /> from the lot would be dumped on their side of the street as had <br /> been the practice for the other two businesses. These included <br /> Esther Baker and Donald Best who live at 2341 and 2342 Taft Street <br /> N.E . , another man who said he lived at 2338 Taft Street N.E. , and <br /> Helen Kara, 2343 Roosevelt Street N.E. <br /> The hearing was recessed from 7 : 55 p.m. to 8 p.m. to give Mr. Johnson <br /> an opportunity to show the residents the plans and discuss their <br /> concerns . <br /> • When the hearing was resumed, Mr. Fornell explained that comments <br /> regarding the use of the area as a parking lot, per se , should be <br /> considered out of order since the hearing was scheduled only regarding <br /> the setback variances without which the bank could utilize the lot <br /> for any commercial purpose it chose. He answered Mrs . Kara ' s objec- <br /> tion to "St. Anthony allowing an entrance to the parking lot from a <br /> Minneapolis street" by telling her he was certain St. Anthony had <br /> participated in the assessment of that street as had the two busi- <br /> nesses who were accused of generating traffic. He also cautioned <br /> residents that they might find a parking lot less objectionable than <br /> other uses which might be developed there because of the property ' s <br /> C-Commercial zoning. <br /> The Public Hearing was closed at 8: 10 p.m. for comments from Board <br /> and staff. Mr. Fornell told the Board he will contact the owners of <br /> the two businesses, who were the target of the residents ' complaints , <br /> regarding their trash disposal and snow removal . Mr. Jones said he <br /> had no objections to the variances as requested, but felt there was <br /> a need for better screening of the lot from the residential across <br /> Lowry. He also said he was certain the bank officials would be re- <br /> sponsive to any complaints regarding their employees ' use of the lot. <br /> All Board members expressed concern for the safety of those who cross <br /> Kenzie Terrace to reach the bank and Mr . Bjorklund felt the bank <br /> should provide some type of sidewalk across the planted area for <br /> • the handicapped. <br /> I <br />
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