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PL MINUTES 06172003
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 06172003
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> June 17, 2003 <br /> Page 9 <br /> He stated that it was important to locate a site that could be fully utilized without additional <br /> 2 costs. He stated that they have to vacate the current building by September 1, 2003 and relocate <br /> 3 to a temporary location where they would reside until the new fire station has been completed. <br /> 4 He stated that they plan to begin construction in May, with a plan to occupy the new site by May <br /> 5 31, 2004. He explained that there is also a need for enough space to store their apparatus and <br /> 6 they want to minimize any negative impact to the operations while maintaining quality service <br /> 7 and response time. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Chief Hewitt reviewed their options with the Commission stating that they reviewed each <br /> 10 location for ground level access, the cost to bring in a manufactured home for office and living <br /> 11 space, utility costs, and storage. He reviewed the costs for each option stating that they also <br /> 12 considered housing at other fire station locations. He stated that they considered both Columbia <br /> 13 Heights and New Brighton as options noting that both locations would greatly affect their <br /> 14 response times and it would also increase their viability exposure if something critical should <br /> 15 occur. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Chief Hewitt stated that they recently found the Construction 70 site located in the Industrial park <br /> 18 and reviewed with the Commission. He stated that the location has room for all three apparatus <br /> 19 in addition to adequate living quarters, office space and storage. He stated that it is their <br /> 20 preference to relocate at the Construction 70 site, as it would provide quality quarters for the <br /> 21 firefighters, eliminate the heating and weather concerns. He stated that they are requesting <br /> approval for ten-month lease for the facility, offices, apparatus storage building and a punch-in <br /> for an 11-foot by 14-foot door. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 X. INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Ms. Hall reviewed the July agenda with the Commission. She stated that it would include a <br /> 28 proposed sign plan from Northgate shopping center; LaNel is coming forward with the Autumn <br /> 29 Villas with a Public Hearing scheduled in July for the PUD; the Fire Station and Public Works <br /> 30 plans would be on for public hearings in addition to the Stonehouse Redevelopment Project. A <br /> 31 TIF plan will be on for review. Finally, the Northwest Quadrant Redevelopment Vice Chair <br /> 32 Stille asked if the proposed sign plan is a review. Ms. Hall clarified that it is the real thing as <br /> 33 they are very anxious to move forward. Ms. Hall explained that they are considering a large <br /> 34 pylon sign noting that with their location they feel they need a higher, more visible sign. She <br /> 35 stated that the application was recently received and Staff is currently reviewing the application. <br /> 36 Ms. Hall explained that the City is moving away from the traditional ground sign and welcomed <br /> 37 any suggestions from Commission. She explained that based on the current assessment the sign <br /> 38 is too high proportionally and lacks landscaping. She stated that they would discuss these issues <br /> 39 with the applicant prior to the next Planning Commission meeting. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 XI. ANNOUNCEMENTS. <br /> 42 Chair Melsha asked Ms. Hall to contact the City Attorney to further clarify issues when altering <br /> an existing structure. Ms. Hall clarified that there is a section in the ordinance that does address <br /> 16 this issue and reviewed this fact with the Commission. Chair Melsha noted that the ordinance <br />
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