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PL MINUTES 06172003
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 06172003
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> June 17, 2003 <br /> Page 8 <br /> 0 <br /> 2 Commissioner Hanson referenced the property value of the homes in the area and asked how if <br /> 3 the values would be affected. Mr. Oertel stated he does not believe that the fire station would <br /> 4 have a negative impact, but actually a positive impact as some people feel safer near a fire <br /> 5 station. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Chief Hewitt stated that they have scheduled a neighborhood meeting on July 9, 2003. He <br /> 8 explained that this would provide an opportunity for the residents to express their concerns and <br /> 9 discuss the impact it could have on the area. He stated that the fire station does not impact <br /> 10 neighborhoods negatively adding that they would do their best to be a good neighbor. He <br /> 11 acknowledged the noise levels noting that they are currently reviewing options for sirens and <br /> 12 traffic control. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Commissioner Hanson asked why they chose to face the building to the south versus the west and <br /> 15 suggested using the existing drive to pull the trucks around. He referenced the long brick wall <br /> 16 noting that it is rather boring to look at and asked if any other options had been considered to <br /> 17 enhance the appearance. Mr. Oertel stated that they are reviewing the possibility of coming <br /> 18 down from the park area. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Commissioner Stromgren agreed with Commissioner Hanson's concerns regarding the brick wall <br /> 21 stating that it appears blank along the face of the building. He suggested that they consider <br /> 4R something to break up the mass of brick on the one wall. Commissioner Tillman agreed and <br /> suggested additional landscaping and vegetation. Mr. Oertel acknowledged their concerns <br /> 24 stating that they have had considerable discussion regarding the appearance of the building. He <br /> 25 explained that the discussions included using a pattern within the brick to give it a more <br /> 26 appealing look. He agreed that the current image is more service oriented and simple. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 Commissioner Stromgren referenced the roof forms noting that they are curved and appear <br /> 29 forced. He stated that the roof does not relate to the rest of the neighborhood architecture and <br /> 30 asked for further suggestions. Mr. Oertel agreed stating that this is in a state of flux right now. <br /> 31 He stated that they feel good about the elevation for the actual apparatus, that they are <br /> 32 comfortable with the sod and noted that the roof forms are changing. He stated that the final <br /> 33 product would probably change from the present plan. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Commissioner Hoska referenced the Mayor's request for a community area and asked for further <br /> 36 clarification. Mr. Oertel stated that they are sticking to the two-story theme noting that they plan <br /> 37 to extend further south to accommodate the training room and extend the kitchen. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Chief Hewitt referenced the gas line for the proposed location noting that moving the fueling to <br /> 40 the east side of the site would not cause a problem. He reviewed the location with the <br /> 41 Commission stating that he would refer their concerns to the Fire Marshall for a review of any <br /> 42 potential code violations. <br /> 16 Commissioner Hanson asked for update on the temporary location for the Fire Station. Chief <br /> 45 Hewitt reviewed the process they took to determine an interim location with the Commission. <br />
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