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PL MINUTES 06172003
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 06172003
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> June 17, 2003 <br /> Page 6 <br /> access to the south and a wider curb cut that would be exclusively for entering the building. He <br /> 2 stated that they are going to try to cut the grade back in order to provide a better view of the <br /> 3 building. He reviewed the main entrance to the site with the Commission noting it would be <br /> 4 located on the south side of the building. He explained that they are also proposing 20 vehicle <br /> 5 spaces and reviewed the parking with the Commission. He reviewed the building materials <br /> 6 noting that the main body of the building would be a precast concrete panel both inside and out. <br /> 7 He stated that at the most visible part of the building they would use burnished block and for a <br /> 8 decorative element they are proposing metal panels along the top of the building and along the <br /> 9 sides noting that it would match with the rear portion of the building. He stated that <br /> 10 approximately 80% of the building is a flat roof and 15-20% is pitched. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 Chair Melsha clarified that there is only one variance. Mr. Oertel reviewed the variance requests <br /> 13 and explained that the variance would be for the front of the building at the northwest corner, <br /> 14 providing that the existing building can be grandfathered. He reviewed the existing fueling <br /> 15 system stating that they are proposing to set it back further on the site. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Chair Melsha asked if the gas island would remain at its' current location. Mr. Oertel explained <br /> 18 that they are trying to keep it in the current location for cost reasons noting that there is a <br /> 19 possibility that they might be asked to move it. <br /> 20 <br /> Commissioner Hanson asked if there are any concerns for fire protection if they were to move the <br /> 46 existing gas line closer to the lot line. Mr. Oertel explained that the decision to move the gas line <br /> 23 occurred over the last couple days adding that the Fire Chief would have to approve the <br /> 24 conditions and provide guidelines. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Chair Melsha asked what is located to the east of the building. Mr. Oertel explained that to the <br /> 27 east is residential and garages for the apartments. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Chair Melsha asked how close the garage structures from the adjacent property would be to the <br /> 30 proposed gas line. Mr. Oertel stated that he would have to review the area. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 Chair Melsha asked if fencing is included in the proposal. Mr. Oertel explained that fencing has <br /> 33 not been decided yet due to the budget. He explained that the fencing would probably be a <br /> 34 combination and that they would have it ready for their review at the next Planning Commission <br /> 35 meeting. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Commissioner Stromgren asked if a conditional use permit is required for the fuel lines. Ms. <br /> 38 Hall stated that she did not think so but would verify for the Commission. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Commissioner Stromgren referenced the cold storage and asked for further clarification. Mr. <br /> 41 Oertel explained that they are proposing to integrate and upgrade the current systems. He <br /> 42 explained that they are currently reviewing a salt/sand building that would be a self-supported <br /> membrane structure. He stated that he would provide pictures for their review at the next <br /> 40 Planning Commission meeting. He reviewed the proposed materials with the Planning <br /> 45 Commission stating that the building is a half circle, arch structure that has a fabric that would be <br />
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