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PL MINUTES 06172003
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 06172003
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> June 17, 2003 <br /> Page 7 <br /> supported by a steel frame. He stated that the appearance is similar to an old 1940's style <br /> 2 building that would be very linear. He explained that salt sand buildings are highly corrosive and <br /> 3 that it would be impossible to use metal or wood. <br /> 4 <br /> 5 9.3 Concept Design Review of Proposed Fire Station Plan. <br /> 6 Susan Hall informed the Commission that the City is moving forward with building a new Fire <br /> 7 Station. To this end, Oertel Architects has prepared the site plan. She advised that it is likely one <br /> 8 front yard setback variance and a conditional use permit will be necessary. It is anticipated the <br /> 9 final plans will be presented at the July 15 Planning Commission meeting with the associated <br /> 10 public hearings. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 The Fire Station would be constructed at 3501/3505 Silver Lake Road, which is zoned single- <br /> 13 family residential. City buildings, including fire stations, are allowed by permitted conditional <br /> 14 use. The Fire Department would be relocated to a temporary location while the new station is <br /> 15 being constructed. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Mr. Oertel reviewed the variance requirements with the Commission noting that the plan has not <br /> 18 changed too much from what the Commission had in their packets. He explained that there <br /> 19 would be a one-story building for all equipment and a two-story building for staff, dorm rooms, <br /> 20 conference and training. He noted that Silver Lake Road is very busy and that they are trying to <br /> 21 address safety issues by providing a single way to get in and out noting it would be cyclical flow, <br /> 4R primarily for safety. He explained that they chose the highest spot on street for the exit as it <br /> provides the best visibility. He stated that the most current plan shows the existing trees and <br /> 24 vegetation noting that they would like to lower the vegetation for better visibility towards the <br /> 25 front of the building. He referenced the parking locations noting that the Staff parking would be <br /> 26 located on both sides of the building. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 Mr. Oertel stated that the Mayor recently requested that they review the possibility of including a <br /> 29 community area in the building that would have a multi-functional purpose for the public. He <br /> 30 explained that the addition would require more space and bathrooms and reviewed the <br /> 31 requirements with the Commission. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Chair Melsha asked why the building could not be moved further east. Mr. Oertel explained that <br /> 34 they are trying to minimize the costs noting that it becomes more complicated as the move farther <br /> 35 down the hill. Additionally, with the amount of construction involved, the subcontractors would <br /> 36 require more room to work around the building. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Commissioner Tillman reviewed the line of trees along the parking lot and asked if this line of <br /> 39 trees would be kept intact. Mr. Oertel explained that they are trying to keep as much of the trees <br /> 40 and vegetation as is possible. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Commissioner Tillman asked where the pump house would be located. Mr. Oertel stated that the <br /> pump house would be located approximately 150 feet south of the building. He noted that there <br /> are a few mature trees at the center of the site that may have to be removed adding that they are <br /> 45 currently reviewing all options. <br />
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