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PL PACKET 05172005
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PL PACKET 05172005
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PL PACKET 05172005
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> April 19, 2005 <br /> Page 8 <br /> 1 still in good shape. He expressed concerns stating that they are introducing an <br /> 2 extraneous use to the cemetery that is not compatible and they are asking the <br /> 3 Community to accept this incompatibility. He stated that he is not happy with the <br /> 4 changes to the green space adding that he does not see this as a hardship. He <br /> 5 questioned whether this is spot zoning noting that he has not heard anything from the <br /> 6 Sunset Group that would convince him that the funeral home intrusion justifies the <br /> 7 changes they are requesting for the zoning. He stated that this plan is not compatible <br /> 8 with some of the values expressed by the Community. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Commissioner D. Jensen stated that it would be a good idea for staff to determine and <br /> 11 address any encroachment and construction issues. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 8.2 AMCON — Site Plan Review, St. Anthony Marketplace <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Ms. Moore-Sykes stated that this is a Concept Review for the Outlot at St. Anthony <br /> 16 Market Place. She stated that representatives from AMCON have met with Staff to <br /> 17 review their proposed development plans. She provided the Commission with an <br /> 18 update of the proposed schedule for the City's processes regarding the AMCON project <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Paul Tucci, Oppidan, Inc, provided the Commission with an overview of the original <br /> 21 proposal noting that currently three bays are vacant that comprise approximately 3500 <br /> 22 square feet. They are currently negotiating with a potential tenant for approximately <br /> 23 2000 square feet. He stated that the original restaurant has now elected not to go into <br /> 24 this space and reviewed the general retail areas that would provide mixed use with the <br /> 25 Commission. He stated that when this was originally approved there was a variance <br /> 26 approved for the setbacks for overall parking. He stated that 40 parking spaces were <br /> 27 allocated for the restaurant and rest for retail businesses and with the new proposal it <br /> 28 would only require half of what was originally proposed. The building was redesigned <br /> 29 and was made smaller, from 6000 square feet to 4500 square feet. He reviewed the <br /> 30 parking and traffic patterns for the hair salon and fitness center stating that they are <br /> 31 working to set up the parking to be more evenly distributed throughout the day. He <br /> 32 reviewed the coffee shop deal drive-through stating that the drive-through would take <br /> 33 2000 of the 4500 feet, leaving 2200 feet for two additional bays. He referenced the <br /> 34 design of the building stating that they plan to pick a section of the building, use that as <br /> 35 a fagade and carry it throughout the rest of the building. He assured the Commission <br /> 36 that they would work to keep the look consistent front and back and they would do their <br /> 37 best to improve the quality of the view of the back of building. He reviewed the <br /> 38 landscape plan with Commission noting that they do not own the property all the way <br /> 39 out to the street. He explained that there is a right-of-way area that would be <br /> 40 maintained by the current owner. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Commissioner Young asked Mr. Tucci to review the design of the building. Mr. Tucci <br /> 43 noted that glass is a big part of the design and reviewed the areas and locations of the <br /> 44 building where they plan to use glass. He stated that the front of the building would be <br /> 45 glass down to the grade adding that they would try to pick up the front elevation of that <br /> 46 piece. <br />
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