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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> April 19, 2005 <br /> Page 9 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Commissioner Young stated that she would be interested to see what they are planning <br /> 3 to do with the backside of building. She noted that three of the corners are landscaped <br /> 4 very nicely and acknowledged the issues around the right-of-way. She stated that this <br /> 5 area is very important to the gateway of the City and encouraged the applicants to be <br /> 6 creative. Mr. Tucci stated that the design has not been completed yet and assured the <br /> 7 Commission that they intend to work with the appearance of the building. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Commissioner Young asked where the utilities are located. Mr. Tucci reviewed utilities <br /> 10 location with the Commission noting that there are utility mains located in that area that <br /> 11 would prevent them from planting any good-sized trees. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Chair Stromgren clarified that the original site plan does not reflect several of the <br /> 14 requirements outlined in the conditional use permit. He explained that several of the <br /> 15 requirements address the appearance of the building because it is a primary gateway <br /> 16 location. Mr. Tucci added that the architects are still working on the design and the final <br /> 17 building rendering is not available yet. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Chair Stromgren asked if they have any concerns with the location of the drive-through. <br /> 20 Mr. Tucci acknowledged that they did have some struggles with the location of the <br /> 21 drive-through noting that very few of the coffee shops have more than one or two <br /> 22 vehicles stacking out into the flow of traffic. He explained that the majority of their traffic <br /> 23 would likely occur prior to 8:30 a.m. He acknowledged the Chains concerns and <br /> 24 assured the Commission that they worked hard to design the drive-though in such a <br /> 25 way that it would cause the least amount of impact to the flow of traffic. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Vice Chair Hanson referenced the landscape plans and asked what they plan to do with <br /> 28 the trees that are to be removed. He asked if any of the removed trees were in the <br /> 29 right-of-way. Mr. Tucci stated that they cannot plant any trees along the right-of-way <br /> 30 and reviewed the replacement process with the Commission. He stated that he would <br /> 31 research what areas the trees were removed from and update the Commission. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Commissioner J. Jenson asked if they have had any dialogue with the City. Mr. Tucci <br /> 34 stated that they plan to begin discussions with the City and assured the Commission <br /> 35 that they would work with Staff throughout the process. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Commissioner D. Jensen stated that he would like to see everything that is located in <br /> 38 the right-of-way. He stated that there are walking locations and he would not want to <br /> 39 see them miss any potential connections to the trail system. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Commissioner D. Jensen expressed concerns regarding the angles for the drive- <br /> 42 through and asked that this be reviewed further. Mr. Tucci stated that they have tried to <br /> 43 open the turn adding that he would review further options and update the Commission. <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Mr. Cavanaugh 2909 St. Anthony Boulevard stated that he lives directly across from <br /> 46 this project. He stated that when he bought the house it was because he always felt it <br />