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PL PACKET 05172005
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PL PACKET 05172005
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PL PACKET 05172005
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> April 19, 2005 <br /> Page 10 <br /> 1 was important to live in the gateway of a community. He stated that the longer he lives <br /> 2 there, the less he feels this way. He stated that he is not happy with this project or the <br /> 3 way it was executed. He urged the Commission and the applicant to slow down and <br /> 4 move forward with caution, to keep in mind that this is the gateway and they are <br /> 5 bumping up against residential areas. He asked that they keep the liquor operation, <br /> 6 signage and lighting as top considerations. He stated that this is a schlock for the <br /> 7 gateway entrance and is inappropriate. He would like to review the calculations used <br /> 8 for the parking area; would like to see the building staked out to see how close it is to <br /> 9 the sidewalks and residential areas; would like to know who the operator of restaurant <br /> 10 is and how they plan to run the business; would like to know more about the landscape <br /> 11 and signage; and expressed concerns that this project would negatively impact the <br /> 12 property values and taxes. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Robert Foster, City Resident and Attorney, stated that he represents the restaurant and <br /> 15 shopping center. He stated that he respectfully disagrees with Mr. Cavanaugh noting <br /> 16 that prior usage in this area was a very large bar, a part-time restaurant along with the <br /> 17 Fire Station. He stated that he would like to suggest to the Commissioners that the <br /> 18 proposed usage for this space is dramatically better than before. He referenced the <br /> 19 restaurant stating that originally it was approved for a 6000 square foot restaurant and <br /> 20 now are discussing a coffee shop, with significantly less traffic; a 3500 square foot end <br /> 21 cap restaurant noting that the proposed usage, as suggested by the developer, is <br /> 22 substantially better than what was originally approved. He noted that the current <br /> 23 suggestions would greatly improve the traffic flow and appearance. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 IX. PUBLIC INPUT <br /> 26 None <br /> 27 <br /> 28 X. INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION. <br /> 29 10.1 2005 Proposed Planning and Zoning Ordinance Amendments <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Chair Stromgren reviewed his list of suggestions with the Commission. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Commissioner D. Jensen referenced Item 3 stating that this is a good start for corner <br /> 34 visibility and triangles as it would help determine how the setbacks could work and it <br /> 35 would address the visibility issues. He stated that is only concern is when a decision is <br /> 36 made against an applicant because their home would fall out of line with the view of the <br /> 37 other homes in the area. He stated that improvements to a home should not be denied <br /> 38 just because the two adjacent structures did not do improvements. He stated that they <br /> 39 should help to set an example to lead versus follow. He referenced accessory units <br /> 40 stating that this could become an issue as the population ages. He stated that he <br /> 41 would prefer not o treat this issue through a city code and suggested considering a <br /> 42 CUP condition. He referenced Item 6, native plantings, stating that this could be a <br /> 43 sensitive concern and suggested writing something into the code that would allow an <br /> 44 individual to work with prairie plantings if they have a plan or design with the appropriate <br /> 45 planting as it could save resources with respect to watering and fertilization. <br /> 46 <br />
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