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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> April 19, 2005 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 Commissioner D. Jensen suggested that the Planning Commission move to deny the <br /> 2 request and recommend tabling at the City Council level. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Chair Stromgren clarified that a letter was received from the City Attorney that clearly <br /> 5 states the use is not compatible and does not fall within the requirements for a <br /> 6 Conditional Use Permit. <br /> 7 <br /> 8 Motion by Commissioner Jensen, second by Commissioner Jenson, to deny approval of <br /> 9 the Conditional Use Permit for the proposed auto dealership for specialized, classics, <br /> 10 and custom car sales to be located at 3605-291h Avenue North. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 Motion carried unanimously <br /> 13 <br /> 14 VIII. CONCEPT REVIEW <br /> 15 8.1 Sunset Memorial Park— Proposed Text Amendment to the City Zoning Code <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Ms. Moore-Sykes stated that this is a Concept Review for the proposed Text <br /> 18 Amendment as requested by the Alderwoods Group. She explained that the request is <br /> 19 for a proposed text amendment for the R-1 Zoning District and to allow a funeral home <br /> 20 to operate in an R-1 Zoning District as a conditional use. She reviewed the proposed <br /> 21 schedule for the City's processes regarding the project noting that a public hearing with <br /> 22 the Planning Commission is scheduled for May 17, 2005 and advises only one reading <br /> 23 is required with a zoning text amendment to the city code. That reading is scheduled <br /> 24 with the City Council on May 24, 2005. She referenced Chapter two of the city code <br /> 25 that states that any text changes regarding zoning ordinances only requires one <br /> 26 reading. She stated that they could continue through to the third reading, if they so <br /> 27 desired. She explained that if they do three readings a waiver to the 60-day rule <br /> 28 would be needed and the applicant would have to request an extension. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Mr. Tyson stated that they want to follow through with all rules required by the City. He <br /> 31 stated that they are willing to proceed in the most efficient and diligent manner as they <br /> 32 want to be responsive to the City's needs and address any concerns, questions or <br /> 33 issues the Commission might have regarding the proposal. He explained that they are <br /> 34 here this evening to discuss and clarify their proposal for a text amendment change to <br /> 35 the City Zoning Code. He stated that they are approaching this in two parts, first to <br /> 36 obtain a relief or consistency with the current zoning, which is an R-1 zone. He <br /> 37 acknowledged that they are non-conforming and are requesting that the R-1 Zone <br /> 38 include cemeteries and funeral homes services under a conditional use. Secondly, <br /> 39 they want to bring in the funeral home. He stated that the plan would be to replace the <br /> 40 current with a new, state of the art facility that would include both the funeral home and <br /> 41 the administration building. He stated that they have worked closely with the City and <br /> 42 several members of the Community to ensure that all concerns were herd and <br /> 43 addressed. He stated that an Open House was held on January 11, 2005 and <br /> 44 indicated that several comments and suggestions were received from Council Members <br /> 45 along with members of the Community. He stated that they have also reviewed the <br /> 46 building from a historical perspective and it is their belief that they have been <br />