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PL PACKET 05172005
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PL PACKET 05172005
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> April 19, 2005 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 responsive to the request that they design a beautiful building that would provide <br /> 2 continuity to the City in terms of structure and also be sensitive to the needs of the <br /> 3 community for this amenity. <br /> 4 <br /> 5 Matt Duggan, Mekus Studios, Ltd, provided the Commission with a brief history of the <br /> 6 proposal noting that a subcommittee was formed to work through the issues and <br /> 7 concerns. He stated that they met in December 2004 and also held an Open House in <br /> 8 January 2005. He stated that the Open House was well attended adding that they <br /> 9 received a very good response from the Community. He stated that they recently <br /> 10 brought in a consultant, Charles Nelson, retired State Architect for the Historical <br /> 11 Preservation (SHPO), to assist with the design of the proposed building. He stated that <br /> 12 the Concept Review proposal has not changed too much since September noting that <br /> 13 the most significant change was within the site. First with parking, the first proposal <br /> 14 indicated angle parking along the center with the intent to avoid interfering with the line <br /> 15 of trees along the boulevard. He noted that the Planning Commission had raised <br /> 16 concerns regarding the parking and the potential loss of green space. He explained <br /> 17 that both sides of the boulevard are lined with Cedars and they have since learned from <br /> 18 an arborist that cedars have a shelf life and they were provided with replacement <br /> 19 recommendations of similar species and shape that would be a bit heartier. He stated <br /> 20 that they would utilize the list of recommended replacements as needed. He stated that <br /> 21 both Roise and Morrow-Nichols have reviewed the new proposal for the parking area. <br /> 22 He stated that minor changes have been made to the exterior of building noting that Mr. <br /> 23 Nelson suggested a diamond grill pad similar to the large window on the existing <br /> 24 building adding that this is a very important element of the building. He explained that <br /> 25 their intention is to reuse the stained glass window in the interior of building <br /> 26 incorporating the window into the current lobby space. He stated that another element <br /> 27 they want to reuse is the stone fireplace and mural currently located above the <br /> 28 fireplace. He indicated that they plan to incorporate both into the lobby or in one of the <br /> 29 visitation chapel rooms. He assured the Commission that they have been very <br /> 30 sensitive to the concerns expressed regarding the design of the building and reviewed <br /> 31 with the Commission. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Charles Nelson stated that for thirty-three years he served as the Chief State Historical <br /> 34 Preservationist Officer for the state Historical Preservationist Office (SHPO),ding that he <br /> 35 was asked to provide input on the design characteristics for this building. He explained <br /> 36 that he provided technical input and evaluation of the design in order to judge the <br /> 37 impact of the new design on historic properties. He explained that the first <br /> 38 determination was the impact the parking area and access points would have on the <br /> 39 landscape qualities of the park. The primary elements seen are an entrance, the Tower <br /> 40 of Memories and in the distance the Memorial Chapel. He stated that it is very <br /> 41 important to preserve the point of entry noting that if the building were located on any <br /> 42 other spot on the property the visual to the entrance would be compromised. <br /> 43 Historically, when entering the gate, visitors were introduced to the prominent and <br /> 44 important landscape. He noted that the parallel parking along the central mall would <br /> 45 take very little space adding that in his opinion the proposed parking solution has come <br /> 46 a very long way. He stated that the cedar trees are a very important piece of the <br />
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