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PL PACKET 05172005
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PL PACKET 05172005
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PL PACKET 05172005
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> April 19, 2005 <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1 landscape and should not be removed under any circumstance. He explained that the <br /> 2 guidelines state that similar foliage and landscape treatments are acceptable for <br /> 3 change outs over time adding that this is what they would recommend. He explained <br /> 4 that the building must provide a function. He stated that the architect has reviewed <br /> 5 opportunities and alternatives to expand the existing structure noting that the proposal <br /> 6 is not acceptable, as it does not provide the utilities for long-term use. He stated that in <br /> 7 providing a new facility on this site it would provide a gateway entrance point to the <br /> 8 landscape that would go beyond and incorporate the design characteristics of the <br /> 9 historical architecture currently found. He reviewed the architectural history of the <br /> 10 design with the Commission noting that overall, the design has evolved in a very <br /> 11 satisfactory manner and currently, with the removal of the existing building, it addresses <br /> 12 and incorporates the functionality, it is sensitive and addresses concerns of the City and <br /> 13 Community and work, long-term, with the historical architectural of the park. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Vice Chair Hanson referenced the footprint and asked how much larger the proposed <br /> 16 footprint would be in comparison to the current. Mr. Tyson stated that the existing <br /> 17 footprint is approximately 2000 square feet and the new footprint would be 5500 square <br /> 18 feet with total of 11,000 square feet. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Commissioner D. Jensen noted it is assumed the parking area would probably be <br /> 21 asphalt and asked if they have considered any other alternatives and other colors that <br /> 22 would preserve the vista. Mr. Tyson stated that there could be issues due to the shape <br /> 23 of the roads. He agreed that a key part of the proposal is how they are keeping with the <br /> 24 layout. Mr. Nelson explained that there is a system used to install the pavers adding <br /> 25 that they are not noticeable when installed in the grass areas. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Commissioner J. Jenson referenced the elevation and asked how much higher from the <br /> 28 grade would the proposed building be in comparison to the existing. Mr. Duggan stated <br /> 29 that the existing is up 3.5 feet from the grade. He stated that the proposed building <br /> 30 would be smaller but similar in height. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 Commissioner J. Jenson asked Mr. Duggan to review the floor plan. Mr. Duggan <br /> 33 provided the Commission with an overview of the floor plan. He stated that the layout <br /> 34 for the new building has two new fronts, one off St. Anthony Boulevard and the other <br /> 35 with the funeral home off the cemetery side to the west. The first floor incorporates a <br /> 36 chapel, a visitation room, a selection room and a lounge. The second floor would have <br /> 37 the administrative and sales offices. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Commissioner Young asked about materials for the new building noting that they are <br /> 40 trying to stay true to the intent. Mr. Duggan stated that it would be a cast stone product <br /> 41 in units similar to the granite blocks on the current building but slightly larger, with the <br /> 42 intent to replicate the masonry and coursing on existing building. The stone would be <br /> 43 similar to the color of the gray limestone used in the Tower of Memories and the <br /> 44 Mausoleum. The roof would be metal, similar to Mausoleum and Chapel. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 Commissioner D. Jensen noted the procedural introduction and asked if it is important <br />
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