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PL PACKET 11152005
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PL PACKET 11152005
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PL PACKET 11152005
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> September 20, 2005 <br /> Page 12 <br /> 1 Avenue and reviewed with the Commission. <br /> 2 <br /> 3 John Harriss, Harriss Architects, stated there is great potential on this site noting that it is a <br /> 4 gateway to the community. He stated that when they reviewed the site a couple of things stood <br /> 5 out including the intersection at Kenzie Terrace and Lowry,which would provide a great <br /> 6 opportunity for green space and a pocket park. He stated that the property has two exposures <br /> 7 from Lowry and Kenzie Terrace noting that if the building were turned it would create a <br /> 8 formidable presence from both perspectives adding that the main entry would come in off Lowry. <br /> 9 He stated that they would also provide access to an underground parking area and a drop-off area <br /> 10 at the front of the building. He stated that the proposed building would be 4-stories above grade <br /> 11 with 66-spaces for parking,with most of the parking being underground. He explained that due <br /> 12 to the size of the footprint it would be necessary to extend the underground parking beyond the <br /> 13 building limits and reviewed with the Commission. He noted that the top of the parking area <br /> 14 would be a green-space area adding that no one would ever know that there is underground <br /> 15 parking in that area. He stated that the site is currently paved and it is their belief that they would <br /> 16 be helping the stormwater runoff by adding green space in this area. He reviewed the materials <br /> 17 for the proposed building noting that it would be primarily brick with stucco or stone accents, <br /> 18 similar to a current project of theirs on Central Avenue in Minneapolis. He stated that the units <br /> 19 would range from 1000 square feet to 1,400 square feet in size and assured the Commission that <br /> 20 it would not be age restrictive adding that it is their belief that the majority of individuals <br /> 21 interested would fit the empty nester profile. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Chair Stromgren noted that there is an issue with the shape of the site stating that it appears that <br /> 24 they would need a variance on three sides because the R-4 setbacks would be more restrictive. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Mr.Harass assured the Commission that they would be ok from the Lowry side adding that he <br /> 27 knows they are five feet closer to the line on the Kenzie side. He stated that if this is a major <br /> 28 issue they would be willing to consider making an adjustment. He explained that they felt that <br /> 29 due to the heavy commercial nature of Kenzie Terrace that it would be appropriate to bring the <br /> 30 building up 25-feet. He stated that it is his belief that they are ok with the property that abuts the <br /> 31 residential area adding that they are looking to apply for one or two setback variance requests. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Chair Stromgren clarified that in an R-4 Zoning District the rear yard requirement is 40 feet and <br /> 34 that code defines it as opposite of the main entry. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Mr. Harriss acknowledged his concern noting that these are all issues that they plan to discuss <br /> 37 with Staff. He assured the Commission that they would work closely with Staff to make the <br /> 38 necessary adjustments to the proposal. <br /> 39 <br /> ulations for 33-unit building they would need at <br /> 40 Chair Stromgren stated that based on his calc <br /> 41 least 70,000 square feet to compensate for the density. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 Mr. Harriss agreed that the square footage would have to be reviewed further and assured that <br /> 44 Commission that this would be reviewed further with staff prior to the next hearing. <br /> 45 <br />
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