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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> September 20, 2005 <br /> Page 13 <br /> 1 Commissioner Jensen asked if the Planning Commission has ever reviewed setbacks with respect <br /> 2 to structural distance. He expressed concerns stating that they would have to process variance <br /> 3 requests for all areas of the underground parking that would be built apart from the main building <br /> 4 structure. He stated that they would have to provide the Commission with a clear set of plans <br /> 5 that clearly outlines and defines the utility and variance issues. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Mr. Harriss assured the Commission that it is their plan to meet with the Public Works <br /> 8 department to discuss all of these issues. He stated that it is his hope that he would receive some <br /> 9 kind of encouragement from the Commission to move forward on this project so that they can <br /> 10 begin to schedule their meetings with Staff. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 Vice Chair Hanson asked Mr.Harass why he believes that this project would be a success. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Mr. Harriss stated that they believe that this is an appropriate scale for this location noting that it <br /> 15 would be a great location for the proposed building. He stated that they plan to do a market study <br /> 16 noting that based on their experience in this area and on the sales in St. Anthony this site has <br /> 17 great potential for this type of housing. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Bob Leback, developer, stated that he has spent the last twelve years raising equity with <br /> 20 condominium projects and it is his belief that he is seeing the Twin Cities accepting this type of <br /> 21 market more and more. He stated that he is seeing a lot of fill-in sites, in various areas,that are <br /> 22 providing smaller unit projects for the empty nester market. He stated that he sees this as <br /> 23 complimenting the assisted living proposals more so than as a conflict. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Commissioner Jensen asked for further clarification on the traffic flow for the site. He expressed <br /> 26 concerns stating that given the odd configuration of both sites there could be traffic issues to the <br /> 27 west. He asked if a shared access point would be appropriate in order to help with the circulation <br /> 28 of traffic. He suggested that they do a traffic study to help determine traffic flow and circulation. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Mr. Harass stated that they would welcome getting together to discuss and review the traffic <br /> 31 flows for the area. He noted that Ms. Moore-Sykes has already identified several traffic schemes <br /> 32 and reviewed with the Commission. He indicated that they are very open to considering any <br /> 33 number of options with respect to traffic flow noting that he does see a possibility for combining <br /> 34 three access points and reviewed with the Commission. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Commissioner Jenson asked why the front entrance faces Lowry South versus Kenzie Terrace. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Mr. Harriss explained that it was a question of how it would eventually lay out on the lot and <br /> 39 reviewed with the Commission. He stated that they felt a strong building presence on Kenzie <br /> 40 Terrace would be the best view versus a view of the parking lot. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Chair Stromgren stated that part of the problem going forward is in looking at all of the variances <br /> 43 they would need. He stated that there are certain tests the City and State can do to see how some <br /> 44 of variances could be met and reviewed the process with the Commission. He stated that the <br /> 45 tests would have to pass and all conditions would have to be met in order to gain approval of the <br />