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f , <br /> 3. The total anticipated population of the Planned Unit Development, with break-downs as to the <br /> estimated number of school age children, adults and families. <br /> c. The following exhibits: <br /> 1. Abstractor's certified property certificate showing the names and addresses of property owners <br /> within three hundred fifty (350) feet of the outer boundaries of the property. <br /> 2. Location map showing property in relation to the City as a whole and to the City's primary <br /> elements such as thoroughfares, schools, parks and shopping areas. <br /> 3. A legal description of the property including approximate total acreage. <br /> 4. Boundary survey prepared by a registered surveyor of the property <br /> and one hundred (100) feet beyond showing: <br /> a. Existing property lines and dimensions. <br /> b. Ownership of all parcels. <br /> c. Platting and easements. <br /> d. Street and railroad rights-of-way. <br /> e. Buildings. <br /> f. Utility lines and facilities. <br /> 5. A topographic map prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer or Registered Land Surveyor <br /> covering the entire tract proposed for development which contains the following information: <br /> a. Contour lines at no more than foot intervals. <br /> b. Hydrologic information including drainage patterns, wetlands, and land subject to <br /> periodic flooding. <br /> c . Soil and subsoil conditions. <br /> d. Vegetation including classification of tree cover by species. <br /> 6. Any other material requested by the City Council, Planning <br /> Commission or City staff. <br /> 9-16.06 Coordination with Subdivision Approval <br /> If development of the PUD requires subdivision approval, the PUD and subdivision shall be <br /> processed concurrently. <br /> 9-16.07 Development Contract <br /> The City and the developer shall enter into a development contract setting forth any <br /> improvements required to be undertaken by the developer. This contract may be combined with <br /> 155 <br />