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9-16.05 Procedure for Processing a Planned Unit Development <br /> Subdivision 1. Approval Process. Planned Unit Developments may be permitted in the <br /> legislative discretion of the City Council. The application and hearing process for Planned Unit <br /> Developments will be as required for other zoning ordinance amendments. <br /> Subdivision 2. Pre-application Conference . Before filing an application for PUD, the applicant <br /> of the proposed PUD shall arrange for and attend a conference with the City Administrator. The primary <br /> purpose of the conference shall be to provide the applicant with an opportunity to gather information and <br /> obtain guidance as to the general suitability of his proposal for the area for which it is proposed and its <br /> confornuty to the provisions of this ordinance before incurring substantial expense in the preparation of <br /> plans, surveys and other data. <br /> Subdivision 3. Application. An applicant shall submit a completed application form furnished by <br /> the City, together with the following information: <br /> a. Drawings in schematic form containing the following: <br /> 1. The location, size of site and the proposed uses of the land to be <br /> developed. <br /> 2. The density of land use to be allocated to the several parts of the <br /> site to be developed. <br /> 3. The location and size of all useable open space and the form of organization to own land <br /> maintain such space. <br /> 4. The use, height, bulk and approximate location of buildings and other structures. <br /> 5. The plans for the distribution of sanitary wastes, storm water, and the provisions of other <br /> utilities. <br /> 6. The plans for parking of vehicles and the location and width of proposed streets, curbs, <br /> gutter and landscaping. <br /> 7. A schedule showing the proposed times within which application for final approval of all <br /> sections of the Planned Unit Development are intended to be filed. <br /> b. A written statement must include the following: <br /> 1. A narrative explanation of the general character of the Planned Unit Development, its <br /> integration with the surrounding land uses and justification of any requested density bonuses. <br /> 2. A statement identifying the final ownership and describing maintenance of all parts of the <br /> development including streets, structures and useable open space. <br /> 134 <br />