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l <br /> City of Crystal Zoning Code 515.57, Subd. 2 <br /> (Rev. 2004) <br /> f) High quality of design, and design compatible with surrounding land uses including both <br /> existing and planned. <br /> g) Sensitive development in transitional areas located between different land uses and along <br /> significant corridors within the city. <br /> h) Development which is consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br /> Subd. 2. Uses. Within the PD district all permitted uses and accessory uses are allowed. Within the <br /> PD district all uses allowed by conditional use permit within any other district are allowed by conditional use <br /> permit. Uses allowed by conditional use permit must be reviewed for compliance with the PD master <br /> development plan and with the applicable conditional use permit standards specified in this subsection. Uses <br /> allowed by conditional use permit are also subject to site and building plan review pursuant to section 520 of <br /> the city code. <br /> Subd. 3. Development Standards. Within the PD district all development must be in compliance <br /> with the following: <br /> a) Each PD must have a minimum area of 2 acres, excluding areas within a public right-of- <br /> way, designated wetland or floodplain overlay district, unless the applicant can demonstrate <br /> the existence of 1 or more of the following: <br /> 1) Unusual physical features of the property itself or of the surrounding neighborhood <br /> such that development as a PD will conserve a physical or topographic feature of <br /> importance to the neighborhood or community. <br /> 2) The property is directly adjacent to or across a right-of-way from property which <br /> has been developed previously as a PD or planned unit residential development and <br /> will be perceived as and will function as an extension of that previously approved <br /> development. <br /> 3) The property is located in a transitional area between different land use categories or <br /> it is located on an arterial street as defined in the comprehensive plan. <br /> 4) The property is proposed to be developed with single family dwelling lots having a <br /> minimum area of 15,000 square feet. <br /> b) The uses proposed within a PD may be used only for a use or uses that are consistent with <br /> the comprehensive plan. <br /> C) Where the site of a proposed PD is designated for more than 1 land use in the comprehensive <br /> plan, the city may require that the PD include all the land uses so designated or such <br /> combination of the designated uses as the city council deems appropriate to achieve the <br /> purposes of this subsection and the comprehensive plan. <br />