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r <br /> i <br /> City of Crystal Zoning Code 515.57, Subd. 3 d) <br /> (Rev. 2004) <br /> d) If a particular PD would provide an extraordinary benefit to the community, or if a PD site <br /> has extraordinary characteristics that make development difficult, the city council may <br /> approve a density of up to 10% more than the maximum identified in the comprehensive <br /> plan. <br /> e) Hardsurface coverages and floor area ratios are limited as follows: <br /> Comprehensive Plan Maximum Maximum <br /> Designation Hardsurface Coverage Floor Area Ratio <br /> Low or Medium Density <br /> Residential 50% 0.5 <br /> High Density Residential 60% 1.0 <br /> Commercial or Industrial 75% 1.0 <br /> Individual lots within a PD may exceed these standards if the average meets these <br /> standards. <br /> f) The minimum setback for all buildings within a PD from any property line directly abutting <br /> a street, railroad, or residential district is 30 feet, except that in no case shall the minimum <br /> setback be less than the height of the building or more than 100 feet. Building setbacks from <br /> internal public streets will be determined by the city based on characteristics of the specific <br /> PD. Parking lots and driving lanes must be set back at least 5 feet from all exterior lot lines <br /> of a PD. <br /> The setback for parking structures including decks and ramps shall be 30 feet from local <br /> streets and 30 feet from all other street classifications,except that in no case may the setback <br /> be less than the height of the structure. Parking structure setbacks from external lot lines <br /> must be at least 50 feet or the height of the structure, whichever is greater, when adjacent to <br /> residential properties, and at least 30 feet when adjacent to non-residential properties. <br /> Parking structure setbacks from internal public or private streets will be determined by the <br /> city based on characteristics of the specific PD. <br /> Where industrial uses abut developed or platted single family lots outside the PD, greater <br /> exterior building and parking setbacks may be required in order to provide effective <br /> screening. The city council must make a determination regarding the adequacy of screening <br /> proposed by the applicant. Screening may include the use of natural topography or earth <br /> berming, existing and proposed plantings and other features such as roadways and wetlands <br /> which provide separation of uses. <br /> Areas within a PD that are designated in the approved master development plan or final site <br /> plan for residential use will be considered a residential district for purposes of determining <br /> building and parking setback requirements on adjacent high density residential, commercial <br /> and industrial property outside the PD. <br />