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a <br /> City of Crystal Zoning Code 515.57,Subd. 4 c) <br /> (Rev. 2004) <br /> Approval of the master development plan will indicate approval of the previously listed <br /> items and will occur in conjunction with rezoning of the property to PD. After rezoning of <br /> the property to PD nothing may be constructed on the PD site except in conformance with <br /> the approved plans and this subsection. The procedure for notification of and public hearing <br /> on the master development plan shall be the same as required for a zoning map amendment <br /> by subsection 515.05,subdivision 4 of this Code. <br /> C) Approval of a final site and building plan for the entire PD or for specific parts of the PD are <br /> subject to the procedures outlined in section 520 of the city code. The final site and building <br /> plan must contain information as required by the city,including the following: <br /> 1) detailed utility,street,grading and drainage plans; <br /> 2) detailed building elevations and floor plans;and <br /> 3) detailed landscaping,sign and lighting plans. <br /> d) The final site and building plan must be in substantial compliance with the approved master <br /> development plan. Substantial compliance means that: <br /> 1) buildings, parking areas and roads are in substantially the same location as <br /> previously approved; <br /> 2) the number of residential living units has not increased or decreased by more than <br /> 5%from that approved in the master development plan; <br /> 3) the floor area of non-residential uses has not been increased by more than 5% nor <br /> has the gross floor area of any individual building been increased by more than 10% <br /> from that approved in the master development plan; <br /> 4) there has been no increase in the number of stories in any building; <br /> 5) open space has not been decreased or altered to change its original design or <br /> intended use; and <br /> 6) all special conditions required on the master development plan by the city have been <br /> incorporated into the final site and building plan. <br /> Approval of a final site and building plan includes approval of all plans necessary prior to <br /> application for a building permit, subject to conformance with any conditions on the <br /> approval and subject to other necessary approvals by the city. <br /> e) Applicants may combine the final site and building plan review with the master <br /> development plan review by submitting all information required for both stages <br /> simultaneously. <br />