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�Lejw <br /> 12. Wood,plastic,vinyl or other type of slats when used in combination with chain link fencing shall not be permitted within <br /> the City. <br /> 13. Com cribbing(snow)fences shall be prohibited in the residential areas of the City for any purpose other than marking <br /> areas for tree preservation as part of an approved plan, during the months of April through October. <br /> 14. Sound barriers shal I on ly be constructed when authorized by the City. <br /> 15. Fences up to sixteen(16)feet in beight may be permitted to enclose public tennis courts or as back stops for public <br /> athletic fields provided all other requirements of this Section are met and that the backstop is setback a minimum of two <br /> hundred(200)feet from residential structures. A conditional use permit shall be required for fences taller than sixteen <br /> (16)feet for private tennis courts. <br /> 16. Fences which include a security gate at a point where access is provided to the property and principal building may be <br /> approved if necessary and appropriate as part of a site plan review. <br /> 17. No fence shall obstruct natural drainage. No fence shall be placed within an easement that obstructs or impedes the free <br /> flow of surface water from,or in any drainage easements. If a fence is constructed within the easement and it is required <br /> to be removed,the City shall not be required to pay compensation for any such fence. <br /> SWIMMING POOL PROTECTION: <br /> Barriers for swimming pools,spas and hot tubs shall be constructed consistent with the Minnesota State Building Code: <br /> All swimmingpools, hot tubs,spas and other watertanks exceeding 24 inches in depth must be completely fenced <br /> in: <br /> Swimming Pool fences must be at least 48"in height <br /> The fence must not permit the passage of a 4"sphere through openings in the fence. <br /> Fences must be constructed of durable, corrosion and decay resistive materials. <br /> Openings below the fence to grade must not exceed 4'. <br /> Where an above ground pool structure has walls that are at least 4 feet in height, the pool roll may serve to meet <br /> the fencing requirements;however, the access to the pool in ust provide equivalent protection to prevent <br /> unauthorized entry. Fencesfor swimming pools must include a self-closing, self-latching device on all gates. <br /> Latches must be instafted at least 3'- 6"above grade. Gates must not exceed 4'in width and must meet the same <br /> construction requirements as fences. Provide temporary fencing during installation if the yard is not fenced <br /> Building permits are required for fences exceeding 6 feet 6 inches in height. <br /> In all residential districts,swimming pools shall be setback ten(10)feet from all adjoining lots and, except for fences and pump <br /> enclosures, shall be located at least ten(10)feet away from any other building or structure on the same lot and shall not be <br /> located within a drainage or utility easement. Swimming pods shall not be permitted in a front yard or in the area between the <br /> street right of way and the minimum required building side yard setback line or within the required front yard if the lot is a <br /> corner lot. <br /> NON-CONFORMING FENCES: <br /> It is the intent ofthis Section to allow the continuation of such non-conforming fences until they are discontinued. However, <br /> City Ordinances do not encourage the survival of non-conforming fences and such fences that are declared to be incompatible <br /> with permitted fences within the City. Such fences shall be regulated by the following provisions: <br /> An existing fence that is otherwise prohibited shall not be enlarged,extended, reconstructed,or structurally altered <br /> unless such fence is changed to comply with the requirements of city ordinances, except when required by other <br /> laws or ordinances. Maintenance ofa non-conforming fence will be allowed when this includes necessary repair <br /> and incidental alterations which do not expand or intensify the non-conforming fence. <br /> This informational document may not comprehensively address all City ordinances regarding the subject addressed. It is provided to serve only as a helpful <br /> guide during design phase.Any sik preparation or other work requiring permits is notallowed until all required permits have been asued by the CIV of Big Lake. <br /> FENCE HANDOUT(August 10.2003) Page 2 of 4 <br />