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Subd. 1. Definition. For purposes of this Section an outdoor swimming pool is defined as any structure,basin,chamber <br /> or tank containing an artificial body of water for swimming,diving or recreational bathing,used in connection with a <br /> single,family dwelling and having a depth of more than twenty-four(24)inches at any wint and a surface area exceeding <br /> one hundred fifty(150)square feet <br /> Subd. 2. Fencing Required Around Outdoor Swimming Pools. <br /> A. All outdoor swimming pools existing and hereafter constructed shall be completely enclosed by a security fence <br /> or wall atleast four(4) but not more than six(6) feet high and located at least four(4)feet from the edge of the <br /> pool. The bottom of the fence or wall shall be no higher than four(4)inches above the surface of the ground <br /> Fence openings or points of entry to the pool area shall be equipped with self-closing and self-latching lockable <br /> gates <br /> B. The enclosure for outdoor swimming pools may utilize a wall or walls of a house or building as a part thereof <br /> provided the wall or walls are at least six (6) feet high and the enclosure is completed by a fence or wall <br /> conforming to the provisions of Subparagraph A hereof. <br /> C. All persons owning or operating an outdoor swimming pool shall comply with this Section within ninety(90) <br /> days from the date of publication. <br /> Subd. 3. Exceptions. This Section does not apply to: (1)above-ground outdoor swimming pools having at least four <br /> foot high,vertical or outward inclined sidewalls provided sole access is by means of a removable ladder,ramp,or stairs <br /> which must be removed when the pool is not in use;(2)swimming pools which are wholly enclosed within a building or <br /> structure. <br /> SECTION 10.04. INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY. <br /> The Water Well Construction Code adopted by the Minnesota State Board of Health is hereby adopted by reference as <br /> though set forth verbatim herein Three copies of said Code shall be marked CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE-OFFICIAL <br /> COPY and kept on file and available for public examination in the office of the Building Inspections Division. It is <br /> unlawful to construct any private water well except in accordance with said Code. <br /> Source: City Code <br /> Effective Date: 9-17-82 <br /> Subd. 1. Definition. "Street"or"streets"as used in this Section mean all streets and highways in the Ci ich are not <br /> State trunk highways,County State-aid highways,or County roads. <br /> Subd. 2. Moving Permit Required and Application. <br /> A. It is unlawful for any person to move a building on any stre ithout a moving permit from the City. <br /> B. The application for a moving permit shall state approximate size and weight of the structure or building <br /> proposed to be moved, together with t aces from and to which it is proposed to move the same, and <br /> proposed route to be followed,pr ed dates and times of moving and parking,and the name and address of <br /> the proposed mover. Such ication shall also state any municipal utility,street,and public property repairs <br /> or alterations that wi required by reason of such movement. <br /> C. Permit ee. The moving permit shall state date or dates of moving,hours,routing,movement and parking. <br /> P its shall be issued only for moving buildings by building movers licensed by the State of Minnesota. Fees <br /> to be charged shall be separate for each of the following: (1)a moving permit fee to cover use of streets and <br /> route ffppraval, and(2)a fee eqttftl to 4te rntmieipai ttsht-y ftftd ptibiie property(other than streets)reFftirs or <br /> 10-3 <br />