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PL PACKET 12202005
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PL PACKET 12202005
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PL PACKET 12202005
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- A <br /> Uses within the PUD may include only those uses generally considered associated with the general land use <br /> category shown for the area on the official Comprehensive Land Use Plan. However, in some unique situations, <br /> the PUD may allow the approval of use or uses that are not listed as either permitted or conditional uses in any <br /> underlying zoning district. The specific allowed uses and performance standards for each PUD shall be delineated <br /> in an ordinance and development plan. The PUD development plan shall identify all the proposed land uses and <br /> those uses shall become permitted uses when the development plan is approved. Any change in list of uses <br /> presented in the development plan will be considered an amendment to the PUD and will follow the procedures <br /> specified in Section 1008.07 of this Chapter. (Ord. 1082, 1-14-1991) <br /> 1008.05: REQUIRED STANDARDS: <br /> The City shall consider the proposed PUD from the point of view of all standards and purposes of the <br /> Comprehensive Land Use Plan to achieve a maximum coordination between the proposed development and the <br /> surrounding uses, the conservation of woodlands and wetlands, the protection of health, safety and welfare of the <br /> community and residents of the PUD. to these ends, the City Council shall consider the location of the buildings, <br /> compatibility,parking areas and other features with respect to the topography of the area and existing natural <br /> features such as streams and large trees; the efficiency, adequacy and safety of the proposed layout of internal <br /> streets and driveways; the adequacy and location of green areas; the adequacy, location and screening of parking <br /> areas; and such other matters as the City Council may find to have a material bearing upon the stated standards and <br /> objectives of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. (Ord. 1082, 1-14-1991) <br /> 1008.06: COORDINATION WITH SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS: <br /> Subdivision review under the subdivision regulations shall be carried out simultaneously with the review of the <br /> PUD. The plans required under this Chapter shall be submitted in a form which will satisfy the requirements of the <br /> subdivision ordinance for the preliminary and final plat. (Ord. 1082, 1-14-1991) <br /> 1008.07: REVISIONS AND/OR CHANGES: <br /> A. Minor Changes in Location,Placement and Height: Minor changes in the location,placement and height of <br /> structures may be authorized by the Development Review Committee if required by engineering or other <br /> circumstances not foreseen at the time the final plan was approved and filed with the Zoning Administrator. <br /> (Ord. 1082, 1-14-1991) <br /> B. Significant Changes in Use, Location, Size and Height: Changes in uses, significant changes in location, size, <br /> or height of structures, any rearrangement of lots, blocks and building tracts, changes in provision of common <br /> open spaces and all other changes to the approved final development plan may be made only after a public <br /> hearing conducted by the planning commission. Upon determination by the development review committee <br /> that a major change has been proposed,the applicant shall apply for an amended PUD. The application to <br /> amend the PUD shall be treated as a new zoning application. Upon acceptance of a complete application,the <br /> planning commission shall hold a hearing as set forth in chapter 108 of this code. Any changes shall be <br /> recorded as amendments to the recorded copy of the final development plan. <br /> C. Provisions of Original District Apply: All of the provisions of the chapter applicable to the original district <br /> within which the planned unit development district is established shall apply to the amended PUD district <br /> except as otherwise provided in approval of the final plan. The effective date of the PUD shall be after: <br /> 1. Approval of the PUD amendment and text, and <br /> 2. Publication of the ordinance. (Ord. 1176, 11-25-1996) <br /> D. Review: If substantial development has not occurred within a reasonable time after approval of the PUD <br /> zoning district, the City Council may instruct the planning commission to initiate rezoning to the original <br /> zoning district. It shall not be necessary for the City Council to find that the rezoning was in error. (Ord. 1082, <br /> 1-14-1991) <br /> E. Formal Review Periods: Within the PUD agreement,the city may schedule formal City Council review <br /> periods on an annual or five(5)year basis to ascertain that actual development on the site meets the conditions <br /> of the approved PUD. (Ord. 1176, 11-25-1996) <br />
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