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PL PACKET 12202005
Parks & Planning Commission
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PL PACKET 12202005
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4/19/2016 4:26:16 PM
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4/19/2016 4:26:06 PM
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PL PACKETS 2005-2011
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PL PACKET 12202005
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(2)Zoning Classification: The existing zoning classification and present use of the subject property and <br /> all lands within one thousand feet(1,000')of the property. <br /> (3) Map: A map depicting the existing development of the property and all land within one thousand <br /> feet(1,000') thereof and indicating the location of existing streets,property lines, easements,water <br /> mains and storm and sanitary sewers,with invert elevations on and within one hundred feet(100')of <br /> the property. <br /> (4) Description: A written statement generally describing the proposed PUD and the market which it is <br /> intended to serve and its demand showing its relationship to the city's comprehensive plan and how the <br /> proposed PUD is to be designed, arranged and operated in order to permit the development and use of <br /> neighboring property in accordance with the applicable regulations of the city. <br /> (5) Site Conditions: Graphic reproductions of the existing site conditions at a scale of one inch equals <br /> one hundred feet(1" = 100'). <br /> (A)Contours; minimum two foot(2') intervals. <br /> (B)Area devoted to residential use by building type. <br /> (C)Area devoted to common open space. <br /> (D)Area devoted to public open space. <br /> (E)Approximate area devoted to streets. <br /> (F)Approximate area devoted to, and number of, off street parking and loading spaces and related <br /> access. <br /> (G) Approximate area and floor area devoted to commercial uses. <br /> (H)Approximate area and floor area devoted to industrial or office use. <br /> (6) Construction Stages: When the PUD is to be constructed in stages during a period of time extending <br /> beyond a single construction season, a schedule for the development of such stages or units shall be <br /> submitted stating the approximate beginning and completion date for each stage or unit and the <br /> proportion of the total PUD public or common open space and dwelling units to be provided or <br /> constructed during each stage and overall chronology of development to be followed from stage to <br /> stage. <br /> (7)Open Space and Service Facilities: When the proposed PUD includes provisions for public or <br /> common open space or service facilities, a statement describing the provision that is to be made for the <br /> care and maintenance of such open space or service facilities. <br /> (8) Covenants: Any restrictive covenants that are to be recorded with respect to property included in the <br /> proposed PUD. <br /> (9)Utilities Plans: Schematic utilities plans indicating placement of water, sanitary and storm sewers. <br /> (10) Exceptions: The city may excuse an applicant from submitting any specific item of information or <br /> document required in this stage which it finds to be unnecessary to the consideration of the specific <br /> proposal. <br /> (11) Additional Information: The city may require the submission of any additional information or <br /> documentation which it may find necessary. <br /> d. Final Plan Stage: Final plan stage submission should depict and outline the proposed implementations of <br /> the general concept plan for the PUD. Information from the general concept plan may be included for <br /> background and to provide a basis for the submitted plan. The final plan stage submissions shall include, <br /> but not be limited to: <br /> (1) A final plat and information required by the title 11 of this code. <br /> (2) Ten(10) sets of preliminary plans drawn to a scale of not less than one inch equals one hundred feet <br /> (1" = 100') (or scale requested by the administrator)containing at least the following information: <br /> (A)Proposed name of the development(which shall not duplicate nor be similar in pronunciation to <br /> the name of any plat previously recorded in the county where the subject property is situated). <br /> (B)Property boundary lines and dimensions of the property and any significant topographical or <br /> physical features of the property. <br /> (C)The location, size,use and arrangement including height in stories and feet and total square feet <br /> of ground area coverage and floor area of proposed buildings,including mobile homes and existing <br />
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