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Are you planning to place a <br /> residential fence on your property T <br /> in the City of St. Cloud? <br /> If so, be sure to check all regulations before you start your project. The St. Cloud Zoning <br /> Ordinance regulates the height and location of residential fences. <br /> Why does St. Cloud have residential fence regulations? - It is in the best interest of all St. Cloud residents to <br /> ensure attractive and safe neighborhoods. Fence regulations help preserve the beauty of St. Cloud's <br /> neighborhoods while protecting the health, safety, and welfare of all residents. <br /> Do I need a building permit to put up a residential fence? - No <br /> How do I locate my property lines? - If you are unsure where your property lines are, you may be able to <br /> locate property irons with the use of a metal detector. The City does not provide surveying services. In most <br /> cases, the curb will not be the front property line because there is additional road right-of-way beyond the <br /> curb. <br /> What are the setbacks and height restrictions for wreside' ritii PWnf ce,? - A fence on an interior lot can be <br /> placed up to the property line, but not on the property line. If the lot is adjacent to an alley, a 2-1/2 foot rear <br /> yard setback is required. Maximum fence height in the front yard is 4 feet. LMaxiimum fenccegheight�iri <br />