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Autumn Woods Assisted Living, Saint Anthony, MN Page 2 <br /> 8/10/2009 <br /> to provide a drop-off near the front door and parking for visitors and staff.The compact 4 story <br /> design will preserve the green areas of the site by providing a compact footprint that will shorten <br /> residents walking distance to the centrally located elevator.There will be onsite rainwater retention <br /> and rain gardens. Fifteen exterior parking spaces will spaces for staff and visitors.The rest of the <br /> parking for the project will be inside the building to limit the hard surface areas and maximize green <br /> space areas.The building will be fully fire sprinklered.Typical amenities may include community <br /> dining with a full service kitchen,screen porch, parlor, beauty parlor, library,exercise room, chapel, <br /> activity room. On site staff will provide assisted living services. A major goal will be to maintain the <br /> heavy treeline screening along the south boarder of the site. <br /> One attendee said that the drainage issue off the south end of the existing west parking area should <br /> be resolved because the rainwater spills onto Lowry Avenue. <br /> One lady,Barbara Sullivan who is a descendent of'Kenzie', said that she was an environmental <br /> activist and that she would monitor the public information regarding this project. She is very <br /> concerned about soil testing and if our rain water gardens will cause the homes on Lowry to have <br /> wet basements <br /> One question was about evacuation of the residents if the elevator was disabled in a fire.I explained <br /> that the code required an area of refuge v-i the stair enclosures. <br /> It was suggested that fencing along the south property line of the site would keep visitors from <br /> straying onto adjacent private properties. Perhaps that fence could be a vision barrier,although it <br /> was recognized that much of the new building would be above any fence height. Glenn Gavic's <br /> home is one of the 5 directly behind the site on Lowry. He was mainly concerned about the fence <br /> but did mention that he and 2 others want to sell their property. <br /> Out door patio space was not shown on the plans. Everyone thought that an exterior patio would be <br /> a good idea. <br /> Concern was expressed about traffic issues. I explained that there would be no new curb cuts. Greg <br /> Bronk said that the expectation is that this project will not generate a significant amount of new <br /> traffic because many of the residents will not be drivers.The majority of new traffic would be by <br /> staff, service vehicles, and visitors. <br /> When asked about ground water conditions we could only say that there has not been any soils <br /> testing yet. Greg Bronk said that the underground parking in the existing Autumn Woods <br /> Apartments was working out without difficulty. <br /> A question was asked about environmental testing.I explained that the Phase 1 Environmental Test <br /> was not done yet but that I expected that it will be part of the process ahead for this project. <br />