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S <br /> A <br /> Abney Development Services, Inc. <br /> Terry Abney, Consultant <br /> 3286 Lark Haven Drive <br /> Kennesaw,Georgia 30152 <br /> 770/426-8383 (0);770/426-8558(Fx) <br /> e mail: <br /> To: Kim Moore-Sykes From: Terry Abney <br /> Re: CUP Application Date: 6/21/10 <br /> Proposed IHOP <br /> 3701 Stinson Blvd. <br /> St. Anthony, MN 55421 <br /> Dear Ms. Moore-Sykes: <br /> It is my understanding that a CUP is required for the abovemented project due to the building setback issue <br /> and the addition of the coffee window to the side of the building. <br /> Following is brief summary of our Scope of Work: <br /> 1. Replace all Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing components including new kitchen equipment and <br /> seating. A small addition at the northwest corner of the building will add a few seats. <br /> 2. Upgrade all finishes to new IHOP finishes on the interior and exterior of the building. <br /> 3. Add new IHOP signs on the building and in the parking area. <br /> 4. Provide additional yard lighting. <br /> 5. Install grease trap. <br /> 6. Enhance landscaping. <br /> 7. Rebuild the trash enclosure. <br /> 8. Overlay the existing asphalt. <br /> As a precaution, is it possible to consider a variance for the building location in the event of a fire at some <br /> point in the future? We would like address this issue in the appropriate meeting agenda. <br />