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STAFF REPORT <br /> To: Planning Commission Report No.: VII. 2. <br /> From: Kim Moore-Sykes,Assistant City Manager 0Ab <br /> Date: July 20, 2010 <br /> Subject: 3701 Stinson Boulevard — Conditional Use Permit(CUP)Request for a Drive-Through Facility in a <br /> Permitted Use {City Code 152.120, (B)} <br /> Requested Action: Public Hearing for Conditional Use Permit Request for a Drive-Through Facility <br /> in a Permitted Use {City Code 152.120, (B)} <br /> Date Application Received: June 22,2010 <br /> Property Address: 3701 Stinson Boulevard <br /> Zoning District: Commercial <br /> 60-Day Expires: August 20, 2010 <br /> Waiver Letter Required: Yes Date Sent:_ No X <br /> Future Action: Public Hearing for CUP with the Planning Commission <br /> Background: In reviewing the site plan,Staff noticed that an addition is proposed for the NW corner of <br /> the building to add a drive-thru window. Mr. Abney was notified that a drive-through use also requires a <br /> conditional use permit. Mr. Abney advised Staff that the drive-through facility would only be for the <br /> ordering of coffee,smoothies, pastries and some take-out orders. He reported that this is a new idea for <br /> IHOP and it is being proposed for the St. Anthony site because the existing restaurant building has a <br /> smaller seating capacity so it is an opportunity to try this idea. There would be a small menu board next to <br /> the window for beverages and pastries. He also indicated that the take-out orders would have to be called <br /> in, similarly to the "Carside to Go" concept of another restaurant chain. <br /> Application Review and Analysis: <br /> 1. The requested conditional use is one of the Permitted Conditional Uses specifically listed for <br /> the zoning district in which the conditional use is located. City Code states in 152.122 (B) that <br /> the use is permitted under 5152.121 except for the fact that the use has a drive-through facility <br /> 2. That the requested conditional use permit will not be detrimental to health, safety or general <br /> welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity or injurious to property values of <br /> improvements in the area. There was a concern voiced about vehicles exiting directly onto Stinson <br /> Boulevard-from the-drive-through. Since this is a-commercial district for two-cities,-Columbia Heights <br /> and St. Anthony, cars are driving directly into and out of several businesses along Stinson Boulevard. <br /> The applicant does not feel this will have a large impact on traffic because they are not offering a large <br /> drive-through menu. There are several intersection controls in place at 37`h and Stinson and at 39`h and <br /> Stinson so that are enough opportunities for vehicles exiting the drive-through to keep the traffic flow <br /> consistent, regardless if a vehicle is turning left or right. <br /> 07201020 [HOP Drive Thru CUP.doc <br />