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Community Services and Communications Director Wendy Webster reviewed the proposal for 1 <br />field and facility use. She showed aerial photographs of Central Park, which is partially City 2 <br />owned and School district owned. The parks have multiple uses throughout the year. Ms. 3 <br />Webster stated the objectives for the proposal are to examine multiple uses of our parks, to 4 <br />describe the current procedures for field and facility use, to highlight partnership with St., 5 <br />Anthony Sports Boosters to maximize field/facility use and to share the proposal for field and 6 <br />facility use. Ms. Webster reviewed the Minnesota State Statutes (466.03 Subd 6e) for insurance 7 <br />requirements for facility use. 8 <br /> 9 <br />The procedure for reserving a city or school district field/facility is to call St. Anthony 10 <br />Community Services. Proof of liability insurance is required and a fee must be paid if applicable. 11 <br />Class 1 users do not pay an hourly fee, may for a building supervisor, Class 2, Class 3 and Class 12 <br />4 pay an hourly fee and for a building supervisor. Ms. Webster reviewed Minnesota State Statute 13 <br />466.03 Subd. 23. The St. Anthony Sports Boosters have adequate insurance currently. 14 <br /> 15 <br />Ms. Webster reviewed the current Class 1 and Class 2 users and the proposed Class 1 and Class 16 <br />2 users. The proposed hourly rates were reviewed. In season and out of season dates have been 17 <br />identified for each sport. The School Board received the same presentation last week. 18 <br /> 19 <br />Councilmember Stille thanked Ms. Webster for her research on this subject. The process is in 20 <br />place to reduce the liability for Cities and Schools. The users will provide the liability insurance. 21 <br /> 22 <br />B. GreenCorp Presentation 23 <br /> 24 <br />GreenCorp Member Kristin Seaman provided an update including completed initiatives, 25 <br />GreenStep Cities Step 4 findings and upcoming projects for (May – August 2016). The 26 <br />completed initiatives included rain barrels, pollinators, sustainable model home project, ecology 27 <br />club, and St. Anthony School Recycling Grant. 28 <br /> 29 <br />Ms. Seaman reviewed the Green Step Cities Step 4 and provided the current status on city 30 <br />buildings and lights, transportation modes and miles, pervious land, parks and trees, and 31 <br />stormwater. Step 5 requirements were reviewed. St. Anthony has received the Blue Star Award 32 <br />Program for stormwater management. 33 <br /> 34 <br />Ms. Seaman reviewed the upcoming projects as rain barrel follow-ups: site visits, technical 35 <br />assistance and communicating savings; pollinator pathway: putting plants in the ground and on 36 <br />the city website; finishing the sustainable model home project and organizing an open house; 37 <br />possibly working with Citizens for Sustainability to add more solar information; master water 38 <br />stewards: educational outreach and capstone project; stormwater best management practices 39 <br />(BMP’s) inspection and maintenance training/certification; and coordinate recycling grant 40 <br />approval and first steps. Spring Clean-up Day is scheduled for May 7th 9am – Noon at 3801 41 <br />Chandler Drive and will include stormwater education and tree seedlings will be given to each 42 <br />car. 43 <br /> 44 <br />Mayor Faust thanked Kristin for her sense of urgency on completing projects before her term is 45 <br />up. Over $30,000 in grants have been obtained since Kristin has been with the City and the 46 <br />School should be appreciative of the work done. The City is appreciative of her work and 47 <br />outstanding job. 48 <br />6